Chapter 1 - What is Mom Hiding? || Kendall

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"Check out this tweet, Kendy!" My brother said and literally stuck his phone right into my face. "Like I can read it that way!" I said and took it from his hands. I read the tweet in front of me. It was one of Cameron Dallas. He was saying something about what if he had children. It was a tweet from 2012. "Seems unfair, don't you think?" I said and handed him his phone back. "What? Like you would ever hook up with someone" Cody said and took his phone back. "Like you would! No girl would ever voluntarily touch you" I replied.

"Stalking that guy on the internet again?" Mom asked. "He's not some guy on the internet. He is Cameron Dallas! The coolest guy on the web ever, even if he is old" Cody said and I nod in agreement. "Hey, he is just like what? 29? That's almost my age" She defended herself. "But you don't look... Old" I said, trying to make her feel better about herself. She was 28, which was about a year younger than Cameron Dallas.

Mom was just 14 when she gave birth to us, while dad was 15. Really early parents. Even worse, my father left us all alone. I don't even know him and I don't really want to know him, anymore. He left a 14 year old alone with twins. If my grandparents wouldn't have helped my mom.

"Mom, I really wanna meet Cameron!" Cody suddenly said. "And grandma already bought us the tickets. 3 tickets to be exact" "She did not do that without my permission!!" She said upset and walked towards the front door. "Where are you going?" I asked, walking after her. "To talk to your grandma. Kendy, you're in charge" Mom said. "Hey!" Cody yelled from the living room. "Tree" Mom said, which reminded us of a very funny incident from a few weeks back, causing me to fight against my laughter. "That was an accident!" He defended himself. "I'll watch him like a hawk" I said to make it easier for my mom to leave.

"I love you" Mom called. "Love you too" We I called after her. I sat down on the armchair when the door fell close. "Do you know why mom is so upset about Cameron Dallas?" I asked my twin brother. It was kind of funny, we didn't really look alike. While I was short, blond and blue eyed, my brother was tall, brunette and brown eyed. We sometimes imagined that our dad was a blonde brown eyes and that we got some of his features, since I definitely got the blue eyes from mom and Cody got the brown hair from her. "I have absolutely no idea. The only thing I can think of, is the fact that he is from Chino, like us, and maybe they knew each other in high school or so" Cody replied.

"You really think so?" I asked him and he nod. "Maybe we can find an old year book or so" I said and got up. "And where would she keep them?" He asked. "Maybe the attic or her room. I don't know" I said and turned around to him. "Where would you hide something that your kids aren't supposed to see? The attic, where they can go any time they want or your room, which is a no kids zone?" Cody asked and looked at me.

"Her room" We both said in unison, then rushed towards the dark wooden door. "Do we really want to do this?" I asked him and he nod "Do you want to find out or not?" He asked, his hand already on the door handle. "What exactly do we expect to find? Her writing in her yearbook why she hates Cameron Dallas?" I asked him. "No, but maybe some message from him or some doodles from her. I don't know, we'll see it once we see it!" Cody said and pushed the door open.

I had a bad feeling about this, but I went along with him. It's Cody and I, it has always been and it will always be. Kendall and Cody. We're each others best friend, even though each of us has another best friend, mine is Sarah and his is Dex. Usually the four of us hang out together, but there are still time where it is just Cody and I, like now.

"Ken, hurry in" My brother said and I walked over the threshold of my mom's room. We started looking through her stuff, but nothing. We found absolutely nothing. "How does this woman not have a past?!" Cody asked and sat down on her bed, while I sat down at her desk. I looked at her laptop with the black display. "What if she has something in here?" I asked and pressed on button on the keyboard. The display lit up. "And it's not even locked" I said.

"But you were worried about her privacy" Cody said and leaned over me. "Look through her browser" Cody said and pointed at the internet icon. I did as told and opened her history. "She googled herself?" I asked confused. "Click it!" Cody said and tried to the get to the laptop. "Are you crazy, google her with your phone! She's gonna see it if we do it on here. Do you ever think?"

"Calm down, Sherlock" He said and went onto his phone and typed, while I closed the browser again and made sure we didn't leave any trace. "Let's get out of here!" I said and pulled Cody with me to my room. It was the closest to mom's. He closed the door and followed me into my room, closing the door as well. "I don't really have any hits on Annary Vogyt" Cody said and I sighed. "But it's suggesting an Annary Winter" He said. "Winter is mom's second name. Click it!"

Suddenly a video opened up, showing a young girl, about 13 years old with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was smiling at the camera and seemed like she has been doing this since a while.

"Hey guys, it's yours truly, Annary Winter here and today I'm just going to answer a few of your questions" She said, with that huge, bright smile I have never seen on her before. "That's mom" I stated the obvious. "Did you see the subscribers?" Cody asked shocked. "2,5 million" I said, still not being able to progress what we just found out.

"And that's her number today. Just imagine her number when she was still active" I added and looked at my brother. "What if... what if Cameron Dallas and mom knew each other? What if he did something to her or was mean to her?" I asked. "Do you really think so?" Cody asked. "Only two ways to find out. Ask mom or ask Cameron himself" I said. "I don't think we should ask mom. If he really did something to her, do you really wanna bring it back up?" He asked and I guess he was right. "No"

"Then it's settled, we need to ask Cameron" Cody said and I nod agreeing.

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