Chapter 18 - What Are You Doing Here?|| Annary

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"Okay, dinner at my place then" I said, while my phone was on speakers. I was looking for a necklace I had since years and I swear if Kendall borrowed it, I'm going to kill her. I love my daughter, I really do, but if she took my necklace, her last hour has started. "Okay, I can't wait. Also, I'm bringing Veronica" Katherine added. "Okay" I said, although I really didn't want that. "Can you do me one favor, though?" I asked my soon-to-be step-sister. "Of course" She replied. "Don't mention Cameron in front of Kendall and Cody, would you?"

"Your kids don't know you dated him?" She asked surprised "You're full of secrets, Little Vogyt" She said. "I'm begging you, Katherine, I will never ask you for anything ever again, but don't mention him in front of the twins!" I said, hoping she would understand it. "Don't worry, I'm just messing with you, Veronica and I will mention no word of Cameron" Katherine promised. "Thank you" I said and got up. "See you tonight" I said and hung up before Katherine could reply.

Just as I was about to get up, I saw the necklace. "Lucky you, Kendall!" I said to myself, got up and put the necklace on. It might or might not be the last thing Cameron ever gave to me before we broke up. He knew how much I hated the fact that all the necklaces with names on them never had mine. They had Anna and they had Avery, but never Annary, which is one of the downs to have an extraordinary name. So Cameron gave me this necklace just because. Okay now that I think about it, it wouldn't have made much sense if Kendall would have taken it.

I grabbed my purse and car keys and drove to the grocery store. On the parking lot was an expensive car that could probably pay of the mortgage of my house and still buy the next birthday presents for the twins.

I looked away, grabbed a shopping cart and went into the store. I already had something in mind to cook, which I knew the twins will love and my dear step-sister and her wife would eat. I walked through the aisles of the store, getting everything I needed when suddenly someone ran into me "Watch out! Didn't your mom teach you to keep your eyes open and away from your phone!?" I snapped at the person before looking up. Oh hell no!

"Anna?" The person asked and the person was no one less than Cameron Dallas himself. "Cameron" I said shocked and probably pale. "Hi, it's... it's been a long time" He said. "Sure has" I said, trying to push my anger forward to let him know I was still mad at what he did. "I was actually kind of hoping to run into you" He said. "Well, you did. Literally. At least now I know who that car outside belongs to" I said, trying to keep my wall up.

"Yeah, probably not the best to drive around here with" He said. "You think?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you planning on having a feast?" He asked. "What?" I asked confused. "Your cart. It's full" He said. "Oh, that... No, I'm just having dinner with the last person I would have ever expected to have dinner with" I said. "Who?" "Katherine and Veronica Lawley Hennig" I replied. "Wait what? Your ex-bully Katherine Hennig?" He asked surprised. "Yeah and her wife Veronica Lawley. Funny how life can go" I said. "I'm sorry I'm asking, but why are you having dinner with them? You never spoke to them back in school, except for snapping at Katherine I mean"

"Easy, my mom is marrying her dad" I told him. "Right, I heard your father died. My condolences by the way" "Thanks" I said, wanting to get him away from me before I mention anything about the twins. "You're still wearing it" Cameron smiled, his eyes on my neck. The necklace.... "Yeah, why wouldn't I? It's a pretty necklace and is has nothing to do with the fact you gave it to me. So, are you married now?" "No, still single. You?" He replied. "Still single. I didn't have much time to find a partner the last couple of years" I told him, hoping he wasn't asking why, but of course he did.

"Why?" "This and that. Really not worth talking about" I told him, hoping he would drop the topic now. "Does it have something to do with the reason you stopped doing YouTube?" He asked. "No, but I guess since you started doing YouTube, the internet should be happy" I said and wanted to get out of the situation, but he still didn't move. "I think we should have dinner some time, just to catch up" He suddenly suggested. Was he kidding right now?!

"Dinner with the ex, who dumped you because of his busy career? No, thank you. I can think of a million things I would rather do than that!" I said and finally pushed past him. I didn't care if he knew I was still upset about what happened, because it was the truth. He hurt me and I didn't want him back in my life, nor did I want him in the twins' lives. It was enough he was a person they adored on the internet, he doesn't have to be a father to them as well. He would never be able to be a father to them! He lost that chance before he even knew and I am not going to share the twins now!

I paid for the groceries, shared one last look with Cameron who was standing in the back of the line before leaving the store and hurrying back to my car to forget this ever happened. I wanted to finally forget about the pain Cameron has caused me. I wanted to forget about all things Cameron because the way he hurt me was unforgivable.

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