Chapter Two

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I stepped out of Erin and I's hotel room into the long decorated hallway. I looked down and examined my outfit. I was wearing Gucci Brown Cotton Stretch Trousers, a red Oasis Pleat Back Chiffon Top, Chanel Ballet Flats, and I was carrying a Black MICHAEL Michael Kors Satchel. I had straightened my hair a couple minutes before and french braided my long bangs across the side of my head.

I made my way towards the elevator as I heard my phone buzz in my purse. I pulled my phone out of my purse and saw I had a text from my friend Ashli reminding me of our dinner plans. I texted her back letting her know I'm on my way.

I raised a hand in the air and waved it at a taxi. I handed the driver a tip and the fare of the trip. I walked into the restaurant and was greeted by the hostess. "Name?" She asked. "Belichick." I replied while looking past her to see Ashli seated at a table for two. "Right over here." She said. I followed her to the table.

Ashli stood up and we exchanged hugs. We ordered our food and drinks and had small talk inbetween.

Ashli is dating Mike Evans. A wide-receiver from Texas A&M who declared for the NFL Draft back in January. He's projected to go in the top 10 in the draft. They've been together for awhile. I met Ashli at the 2013 Heisman Ceremony. She's in New York for the draft also.

"What are you doing after the draft?" She asked curiously while taking a bite of her steak. "I was invited to some party in a club downtown." I replied rolling my eyes. "Why the eye role?" She asked laughing. "It's never any fun. I can't drink alcohol!" I said. "Oh're a young in." She said smirking. "Ashli!" I laughed. "Don't worry, hun. I'll be there. I got you." She said with a smile.

We finished our meal and I paid. I waved a taxi over again and it took me back to The Four Seaons. I went up to our room and found no one. I shrugged and went to the shower. I took my clothes off and took a long hot shower. I slipped some pajamas on afterwards and laid in bed and flipped through the TV channels. I didn't find anything interesting so I turned it off and went to bed.

Next Day - Draft Day 2014

I jerked my head quickly up to the sound of music blaring through the hotel room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and the sun peeking through the curtains caused me to squint. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and checked the time 8:00am.

The lyrics of the song blaring through the hotel room began to recollect in my head.

"Draft Day, Johnny Manziel, 5 years later how am I the man still?"

"Oh my, Erin is crazy." I mumbled underneath my breath. I walked through the large suite until I found my way into the kitchen. I saw Erin dancing around making breakfast.

"Draft Day, A. Wiggins, fuck that other side bitch we stay winning."

The music still played as loud as ever as I tapped Erin on the shoulder. She turned around quickly and motioned for me to sit down. I stumbled over to the kitchen table still half asleep. Erin slid a plate with 2 pancakes, diced potatoes, scrambled eggs, and toast in front of me. I began to eat as music still played through the speakers. I eat rather quickly so I finished before she did.

"Erin, can I turn the music down? Please?" I asked laughing. "Yeah." She said while laughing also. I fumbled with the remote and finally found the volume button.

"Big day ahead of us." She said looking at me from across the table. "I know..I'm nervous." I said. "Don't be. You've done this for awhile now. All you got to do is show up, look pretty, smile for the camera a couple times, and party afterwards. I know you're good at all of those things." She replied with a warm smile. "Thank you Erin. I'm going to go start getting ready for tonight." I said and started walking to my room. "Okay! Glam squad will be here at noon!" Erin yelled to me.

I sat my outfit out on my bed and got all of my jewelry ready. I organized everything and had it all ready for the night ahead. I spent the next couple hours catching up on emails and paperwork. Most of it consisted of letters from colleges. I emailed some back and ignored others. I plan on going to Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio this fall and starting my first year of college. About five hours and 4 coffees later glam squad arrived.

"Let's get it going!" Toni, a part of the glam squad, yelled to me from the hallway outside my room. "Coming." I replied.

I walked out into the large living room of the hotel suite to find hair driers, curlers, straighteners, brushes, lipsticks, blushes, foundations, powders, mascaras, and any other type of beauty product you could imagine spread out for our use.

I sat down in the director style chair with my name on the back and waited for someone to come and start working on me. First, Toni did my make up. He covered the blemishes and imperfections on my face with concealer. Once he did that he applied foundation all over my face and neck. He then took a powder and applied it everywhere also. He used bronzer and contoured my cheeks. Toni then put a light pink blush lightly on the apple of my cheeks. He filled my eyebrows in. Lastly he applied mascara and red lipstick.

Gabby did my hair shortly after. She brushed through it and sprayed heat protectant thoroughly on it. She straightened it for almost an hour and it was finally straight. She parted it down the middle and brushed it again. Gabby hair sprayed it for the last time. After she did my hair she painted over my acrylic nails with a red to match my lipstick.

Finally, Alicia went over my outfit with me while Erin was still getting her make up done. "You're wearing a black Issa London ribbed bodycon dress, black Christian Louboutin Lady Daf heels, and you're carrying a Saint Laurent monogrammed black clutch with gold hardware. Right?" She asked. "Right." I said. "Go get dressed." She ordered. "Oh, don't forget you're jewelry!" She added.

I slipped my dress on zipped it myself. I slid my gold Michael Kors watch over my hand and into my wrist. I put on my heels and grabbed my clutch. I had already put my phone, lipstick, credit card, cash, and gum in it earlier. I checked myself out in the mirror and felt proud of the way I looked. I looked for a moment longer and heard Gabby call my name.

"You look hot!" Toni squealed. "Aw, thank you Toni." I kissed him on the cheek. "Yes, I agree with Toni. Tonight is the night you're going to get yourself a hot NFL boyfriend." Alicia added. I smiled big and checked the time. Gabby looked at me and nodded with a smile implying she agreed with the other two.

"Erin already left?" I asked. "Yeah, she had to be there extra early." Alicia said. "Your car should be here in 15 minutes." Gabby said. "Okay. I better get down to the lobby." I said. "Yes. You should." Alicia replied. "Do I look okay?" I asked. "Better than ever." Toni said.

I made my way through the halls and into the very busy lobby. It was packed with future NFL players, their families, their girlfriends, and all kinds of other people. I was stopped a few times by a couple people and we had short conversations.

I walked towards a black SUV parked in front of the main doors and a man dressed in a suit opened the door for me. I pulled out my phone quickly and texted my dad letting him know I was on my way. The car ride was short. The driver pulled up and stopped the car in front of the main entrance. A man opened my door for me again and I stepped out of the car. Flashing lights blinded me from the paparazzi but I handled it well. I faced forward and walked through the paparazzi and cameramen until I made inside.

My seat was at a table in the green room right across from Johnny Manziel's. I ordered a water and it was brought out to me immediately. I took a sip of my water and checked my phone. 8 o'clock. It was time.

Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner made his was to the podium in the middle of the stage. "With the first pick in the 2014 NFL Draft the Houston Texans select Jadeveon Clowney."

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