Secert of the Valet

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Secret of the Valet

Oh Valet who are you?

You who show the souls to their rooms.

What is your role in this place?

Are you a demon or an angel?

Yet I feel that you are more.

Can you show me your true form.

Do you have a name?

You are different than anything I have met.

I want to know your deepest secret.

Will you tell me what is hidden in your heart?

    Valet: After finally leaving those humans in the room I was done for the day. Being a valet in this place, in hell, was tiring. Even so it was my last day here as a valet. I went to my uncle who was the Head Valet in the building. "Good afternoon Lionel," said my Uncle Maou as I walked into his office. I was there to give my uniform back to him.  

    Uncle Maou: I looked at my nephew Lionel as he gave me back his uniform. "Are you sure you want to leave Lionel. There is still room for you here in this department," I told him. He just looked at me as shook his head no. " I have to leave since I am half demon and half angel. I got to work in both heaven and hell. You know this already Uncle Maou," he replied. I just sigh and let him leave. I wonder how heaven will treat him, no.

    After leave his uncle leaves, Lionel went to the gates of hell where he was greeted by Lucifer and Michael the Archangel. While thinking about what Garvin said "where are the instruments of torture? I quite realize the position I'm in, but I won't tolerate...."  He wonders what heaven will be like?

    Lucifer: I was by my twin brother Michael while waiting for Lionel to come and send him to heaven with my brother. Rule states that children of both a demon and an angel must work where they born in for the first century and then switch. Lionel's century is finally up and he must go work in heaven for the next. I hope he does well.

    Michael: Lucifer and I were waiting for Lionel to arrive to the gates of Hell, so I can bring him to heaven. Hybrids like him are rare nowadays because demons and angels stayed away from each other. But God treated them almost like the humans that he loves so much. Meaning they can work both in hell and heaven. I wonder what he will be like?

Lionel: As I got to the Gates of Hell, I was greeted by Lucifer and Michael. I bow to Lucifer since he is the emperor of hell and a little to Michael since he was Lucifer's brother. "Are you ready? Do you have everything packed to be delivered to heaven for you?" asked Lucifer. I just nodded my hand. "Well then let's start heading out to heaven," replied Michael. After that Michael and I went through the gates of hell and started flying to the gates of heaven.

    As both Lionel and Michael they passed other angels and demons that were on earth doing their duties. Some of them bowed or waved as they passed by. One angel made a comment about Lionel's eyes. One was black and red and the other was white and gold making them look unnatural. At that moment he remembered something "That's why there's something so beastly so damn bad-mannered, in the way you stare at me." which was said by Garvin. Humans can not see our true forms of both demons and angels even after death. To the humans souls we look like whatever their minds think their demons and angel look like.

Michael: Lionel and I were getting closer to the gates of heaven. After we get there, we will have to go and speak with God to see what job Lionel will have. While we were walking through Heaven, Raphael the archangel of healing approached us. " Michael and Lionel. I was asked by God to bring you two to the throne room." He said.

Lionel: I follow the two angels to the throne room. It was not what I was expecting at all. It was big room with pillars and many different flowers and at the end of the room was a throne with God sitting on it.

God: I was waiting for my two angels to bring me the hybrid. But I still have not been able to choose what job to give this young one. I have narrowed it to being a guardian angel or an angel who helps bring soulmates together. Then at that moment Michael and Raphael and the Hybrid Lionel came into the room. I looked at all of them and mostly at Lionel. He was very different from other hybrid that I have met. It gave me an idea. I will let him choose from the two options I have in mind for him.

Raphael: As we enter the throne room. Michael and I went and kneel when we were close to God. I looked up and saw that Lionel was just standing there looking right at God's Face. "Lionel welcome to heaven my dear child," said God. Lionel had the nerve to just nod his head. I was almost close to hitting his head. I didn't though, I had to keep my calmness. "Lionel I have two jobs option for you. You must pick which to take," declared God. At moment my jaw sit the floor and Michael looked ready to faint.

Michael: God is letting Lionel choose his job. This hasn't happened since the fall of Lucifer. I was a little worried about this. "Are you sure this is wise my lord?" I asked. God looked at me with a smile and nodded. I then just agree to it after that.

Lionel: I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was surprised and honor at the same time. "What are the two jobs?" I asked. God smiled in a creeping way and replied with Guardian Angel or Soulmate matcher. I thought for awhile and choose...

Vote for Lionel job.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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