Love me

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Love me

"help!" I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything, I was paralyzed, there was so much blood and pain. I could barely see them kill her, I tryed to get them off of me and help but I couldn't, they had hit me in the face with a frying pan and somehow got me on the floor all bloody and everything. I tried j really did! I started yelling as soon as I saw them rip her shirt off, but the only thing that came out of me was blood. I tryed to see the person ontop of me and the person ontop of her but couldn't! because everything was going dark around me, I tryed my harder to help Aurelia but even of I tried I knew there was nothing that could help her because she was dead and I was passing out...

~6 years later~

Sometimes life can be a bitch.

I keep having the same dream over and over again, I mean isnt it all ready enough that ive been traumatized for the past six years? Ugh! Life sucks!

I turned in my bed to take a look at the stinking alarm clock wich read: 5:59 and then the alarm went off. "Grrr!" I grabbed the damn thing and threw it to the wall watching it as it breacks in slow motion and a smile form in my face.

I mean hey, I have to take my anger out on something tht isn't a living being... Right???

I quickly got up an stretched for a moment while opening the thing on the bed stand and taking out a purple alarm clock of the many others that I have, and yes that has been my routine since the past five years, I mean hey! I couldn't keep up with what I did the first year...

~Five years ago~

I woke up with about six people around my bed trying to do their morning routine... Wake me up...

I started screaming up at the top of my lungs, I grabbed my lamp and threw it at one of the servants, but when I saw that I missed I kept yelling and soon enough tears started flowing from my eyes. "I hate you! I hate you! Go to hell and rot to death! Screw all of you and everyone! I don't need you, I don't need anyone! Just dye will ya?!?!"

Yea but that wasn't bad, I would seen people to the hospital and they either, never got out of there alive, got out of there alive but in a horrible condition, got out a few years later, or got out months, weeks, days, or hours later.

I would keep a bow next to me sometimes and shot people with it, until one day there wasn't anyone there to wake me up in the morning except and alarm clock, which I threw I to the wall and enjoyed every second seeing it brake and just that got me really happy


I went into the bathroom still yawning and went to use the toilet, then brush my teeth, then I put eyeliner on, I walked to the walk-in closet still yawning, I mean like seriously bro I just want to pass out and wake up till September of the year 2050 ends... And that's along time from now "Priscilla! If you don't put music on! I swear!"

I went to my skinny jeans section and started shuffling when she put 'lmfao-party rock anthem' this song always makes me wanna go crazy!

I grabbed a pair of black ripped skinnies and a white crop top that had a cute polar bear wearing pink heart shaped glasses. I then went to do my long black hair and made it look scene. Sprayed some perfume on. Put some black vans on and I was ready for my first day at a new school.

The thing is I used to go to a school named Owings mills high school, but I had to transfer to another school wich I don't know the name of it because I usually call it hell, the only reason I know the name of my last school is because I learned it on my last day.

Anyways... My mom sent me over to my dads place because I never meet him because he was never in my life, so how is it that we got in touch? I asked my mom if I could call one of my brothers from his side of the family...

So yea... I called him and asked for dads number, I was scared fudge nuts-less when he actually gave me dads number and told me to call and act normal... Hehe if only he knew what normal is to me, anyways... Me and my brotha from anotha motha stayed a while talking on the done since we hadn't talked in a year and before that, almost seven years. Thing is I hadn't talked to him in almost seven years, not because I didn't want to but because last time we talked it was in a country named Honduras...

me and him where sitting on my grandmas porch eating chocolate and enjoying the time we had, I was happy back then because he would always go every summer to visit me at my grandmas house just to see me and how I was doing, I loved him for that, he would treat me like a princess even knowing that we're not really related at all, one day he even ditched a date just to be with me... Me, I wasn't important at all, but him... He made me feel special and loved...

Anyways! I called my dad, and the convo was kinda awkward, but oh well he asked me to forgive him and yatta-yatta I told him I would IF he let me stay with him for at least one year, I mean... Dude! He missed my 15! As in... A beaners most important birthday!

Back to my story! He said ok and drive from Texas to Baltimore, Maryland to pick me up, when we got to his place he showed me where my room was told me to rest and yea...

"hey daddy! Can you drive me to school in your convertible..? Pwease?" I tried my best puppy dog eyes and put my hands together pleading, no I'm not a brat, I just like being a daddy's little girl since i never was until a couple of weeks ago "pwease?"

He got up and brought his arms around me "fine. But just because it's your first day and because you don't know where it is or anything" e said going down the stairs "by the way, are you seriously breaking your alarm clocks?" he asked while raising an eye brow

I bit my lips "don't wanna talk about it, and I recommend you don't ask if you dont want me to be in a horrible mood, pwease let's not talk about it" I said as I walked over to the passenger door, I suddenly froze noticing he was moving and was standing with his arms crossed "aren't you forgetting something?" he raised an eyebrow and so did I "maybe something related to your back pack???" he said amused

"crap! Be right back!" I yelled running in the house and over to my room to find my bed already made and the broken clock missing. I quickly walked my backpack and started to shake, I mean I am going to a new school after all!

All the way to school dad drove the car in silence, it wasn't akwkard, it was comterble in its own way, and I liked it, I really, really do. Right now it was just me and him, alone, quiet and peaceful well except for the fact that I turned the radio on and 'like a g-6' came on ad man! I love this song!!!

My dad started to smirk as I started to sing, horribly but yea... Then he started to sing and I gave him my 'wtf?!' face

I mean ea I'm having fun, but he's an adult, he's not supposed to listen to this!

He shrugged and we just started to sing again until he stopped the car in front of the school "ok so we are here, good luck" he said while I stepped out of the car and froze as soon as I heard him leave and everyone stop and stare at me...

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