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"What was that?" I whispered, barely daring to breathe. I took a cautious step back into the room. I was stuck there, frozen in time.

Through thickly lidded eyes, Max muttered slightly louder, "Stay."

It still took me a few seconds. I couldn't believe it. Whether it was luck or an Act of God or something else, Max wanted me to stay. Take a deep breath, Warren. I took a moment and breathed. Once... twice... Okay. I'm ready.

I stepped forward and slowly set my backpack on the ground. "Okay. I'll take the couch," I whispered delicately.

"No," she whispered. She lifted her left hand and patted the bed with it. "Here."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Nervousness, anxiety and excitement coursing through my veins. I literally pinched my wrist to check if I was still awake. I half expected to wake up in my dorm on Friday morning after a bizarre yet exciting dream. Fortunately, I'm wrong.

What are you doing, idiot? Go lay down!

It was a relatively short distance from Max's couch to her bed, yet it felt like a long journey. I never thought in a million years that something like this could happen to me. I kick off my shoes softly. I slide onto her bed on my back, awkwardly and stiff. Max didn't care, however, as she lifted her head slightly and put it on my shoulder. She draped her arm over me and her hand fell over my heart, which was beating like crazy. Gently, I pulled the blanket over to cover both of us and I throw my left arm around Max's shoulder holding her to me firmly.

Deep breaths, Warren. Holy shit. You're actually cuddling Max.

I take one deep breath. Two. Three. Finally, I start to relax and the adrenaline wears off. I'm beat tired and my eyes are starting to get heavy. I think about what I've been through and what Max told me today, and I'm still reeling. It still makes sense, despite all the conventional logic thrown out of the way. I'm not sure how much I knew about Max before today, but something, some inner wisdom I never knew I had, tells me that everything she says is the absolute truth. It's like that other Warren, the Warren Max mentioned that defended her from Nathan and helped her with that pipe bomb, is telling me, this is what Max told me too.

I almost fall asleep, but I then I almost gasp out loud as I remember what she said about going to Jefferson's Dark Room. I quickly get my phone out of my pocket and set an alarm for 5:45 in the morning. It's only about 9 p.m. and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I understand why Max is so tired, but my only guess is from all the revelations I've heard today has made my mind reel so much it needs rest to comprehend it. They say the best way to retain information is to sleep right after. Perhaps that's it. Maybe I just need to catch some z's.

Max shifts slightly beside me. She whispers something, something inaudible and she somehow gets even closer to me. She holds me tighter and grabs a fistful of my shirt. Somehow, she still looks beautiful as she sleeps. Like an angel. Totally creepy, Warren. But at this moment, I don't care. I think after all I've heard today, that I think I deserve a moment to contemplate. It's like I'm trapped in some weird Twilight Zone/Doctor Who thing. But I'll disregard all that with the thought that Max Caulfield is in my arms. Once again, I find myself blissful. Somehow, in some way, the universe decided that I would be the one to be here for Max. I already liked Max before today, but this feeling...

Today, is my favorite day.

I fall asleep in Max's arms.


The wind is howling. The rain is pounding. It never stops. It never ceases. It's uncontrollable and it's chaotic. It's all because of me. I caused this! I caused all of this!

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