The White Castle

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"Down with the stain upon the royal family!"

The roar of the shooter was barely audible over the panic his gunfire had caused but Mai heard it nonetheless.

The words registered instantly and her hands flew to her chest, terrified she'd find an injury but no.

All she felt were Leon's arms coming around her as stagehands threw the curtains aside for them to run for cover as the audience below scrambled.

In the flash she took to scan the crowd, she spied the man who stood in one of the unused boxes. She saw the guards already descending on him, almost knocking him over the balcony.

She saw her siblings being rushed out by other guards, capes being thrown over them to hide them – hide them so that those like Zola, Zet or Amira could not be told apart from those like Adalicia, Etienne or Fleur.

She spied her own box, where Dalton had his arm around Daphne, shielding her against his chest while The Black Rabbit lifted the Fake Mai into his arms – where she lay as loose as a doll – as Kazimir dragged the curtains closed again, blocking the view.

She felt cold as the stage curtains closed on her and the troupe swarmed around her.

The mimic had collapsed.

Had The Black Rabbit simply lost control of her in the shock or...

Guards appeared led by the director, pushing the men and women around her aside and a cape was thrown over her.

"Come along, Your Highness," Mr Roux said, his voice calm. "Everyone return to your dressing rooms and change. The assailant has been caught and no one has come to any harm. Your Highness, you shall leave this instant, we shall discuss this tomorrow."

With that, her guards swept her away backstage, through the halls and out the stage door.

"My Lady!"

The Black Rabbit appeared in front of her, her guards raising their weapons.

"Wait, it's alright," Mai said quickly as The Black Rabbit held up his hands.

"Are you alright?" the Black Rabbit asked quickly.

"Yes, I'm fine. My family?"

"Fine. They've all departed in various carriages in different directions. We must leave now though, I have your carriage here."

His eyes flicked to the guards in their royal attire.

"Though they do draw the eye," he muttered.

"I'm not leaving without my guards."

The Black Rabbit's lip twitched then he nodded and led the way to the carriage.

"Wait, do you intend to come with me?" Mai said, staring at him.

"Of course," he said, looking back at her, "To look after you."

"This is involves the royal family and those who serve them," one of the guards cut in as the other helped Mai into the carriage.

"Outsiders need not be involved," Mai added as she took a seat, sitting as far forward as possible to no bend her delicate plate-tutu and reaching down to undo her pointe shoes.

"I would say I'm involved," The Black Rabbit shot back, "It was my mimic that was shot at."

Mai's stomach went cold and she straightened, drawing in a breath.

"Be that as it may," she started before a voice cut in.

"Why are you all still here?"

Kazimir appeared at the carriage door, looking to see Mai was there before grabbing The Black Rabbit's wrist and shoving him in.

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