Chapter One - The Move

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Your POV:
I was all packed and ready for LA, I've said my goodbyes to friends and family, checked all my bags now to get a lift to the airport.


"Bye mum I'm going to miss you so much I'll try and call you everyday and check up on all of the 8 cats", I said to mum before giving her the most painful hug in her life,

" Goodbye darling try and be good and stay out of trouble, oh... And try and make new friends..., I know you've got Aaron but try and branch out a bit, you get me" , She answered,

"I get you mum, haha",

I grabbed my bags and ran before the plane doors we're closed and sat down waiting for it to be all over, see I wasn't a massive fan on flying and heights I always used to have bad dreams as a kid about me and my family in this one big plane crash and used to wake up sweating and crying every night.


I felty body getting drowsy and my eyelids start to get heavy and slowly my body fell to a deep sleep on this plane, yes I was scared of planes and yes I was scared of heights so the last thing I thought I would be doing on a plane is sleeping.


I woke up looking at the clock and realising that I only had one hour left of this stupid plane journey, I thought to myself, THANK FUCK IT'S ALMOST OVER.
I grapped my phone and started to play hayday for a while, listening to music until a lady with big bushy hair came up to me and asked if I could switch my music off,

"Umm what did you say? ", not trying to be rude in any way,

" Could you switch your music off, we have many complaints about it and that's its very loud", she explained

"Could I just listen too it quieter or something like that",

" Look madam the planes about to land anyways so you need to switch your phone off anyways otherwise it will mess up with the landing gear",

"Stupid bitch", I mumbled under my breath,


I was waiting outside the airport for my lift just about to text him until I heard my name,
" Y/N, over here",

I looked over my shoulder too see my best friend Aaron in his car with a shadow of a person next to him in the passenger seat, I walked over and put all my bags in the back of Aaron's car, before I could open the door and climb in Aaron jumped out and opened it for me which was very surprising knowing him, maybe he was just trying to show off to his little friend how sweet haha, I thought to myself.
I hopped into the car giving Aaron a weird look and then focused to the guy in the front passenger seat, Aaron ducked into the drivers seat and introduced me,

"Y/N this is colby, Colby this is Y/N",

We both said hi to each other then letting Aaron continue with his speech,

"Colby lives with me in the house with all the others and Colby Y/N was and is still my best friend from when we were kids", Aaron explained

" I moved to the UK just before we were going to join high school", I added on.

Aaron started driving and I lunged on to put some music on blasting it through the car mettle all the way back to Colby and Aaron's house.

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