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Okay I know that many don't read this because it's kind of a waste of time I guess or whatever I don't know. But I want to thank you ahead of time if you read this book.

Thank you for giving it an opportunity. I really appreciate everyone of you that are taking your time in reading.

This book has been made from my imagination, everything is completely out of my mind. I really want this book to flourish into great writing. I want my writing too improve as the chapters go so I'll probably be going back in some chapters as I'm writing.

Also everyone that is passing through a hard moment I'll be here to talk just text me ! There's always an alternative, self harm isn't the answer. Talk to someone, anyone, but let it out. Your stronger than you believe you will ever be. I believe in you. So much !!! I love you all but remember that self love is the best love

Thank you once again my loves
I love you all be yourself no matter what

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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