Where Everything Starts pt.2

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Oneshot #8

David's P.O.V.
"One last push Elizabeth I know you can do this" Dr. Sanders kindly says to Liza. "Are you ready?" She asks her. Liza simply nodds as a small moan escapes her mouth from the all pain she's under right now. "Alright on 3" The doctor slowly states. I'm next to Liza while she's holding my hand- well more like crushing my hand. She's giving birth to our little boy today. "One." Dr.Sanders begins the countdown. Liza immediately starts crying "David I can't- I-I can't I'm sorry" She blurts out sobbing. "Liza I know you can do this I know you. You're so strong baby. I know it doesn't seem like it right now but trust me, it'll all be worth it in just a couple minutes." I say looking directly in her beautiful brown eyes. She looks at me with a faint smile and I sweetly kiss her head. "Do it for him baby" I whisper against her hair. "We have to continue now Elizabeth we don't have much time" Dr.Sanders tells us. "Mhm yes I'm ready" Liza says groaning. "On 3 again...1...2...3 Now Liza Push!" Liza screams at the top of her lungs right before releasing all the tension of her grip on my hand.

Suddenly, nurses start rushing around our baby along with all the other doctors. Something's wrong. There's no cry- my baby isn't crying. "What's going on is he alright?!" Liza screams trying to get up but I instinctively push her back down, knowing she's extremely weak right now. "Is my baby boy okay?" Liza tirelessly says cracking a sob at the end of her sentence.

I feel a tear run down my cheek at the thought of my baby boy being dead when a loud shriek followed by cries break the silence. There's a moment of quiet tension before Dr.Sanders finally speaks. "I think you mean baby girl" She lets out while turning around with the baby in her arms. Liza and I are still crying, but what was sadness became tears of joy when the doctor hands us our child. "A girl" Liza whispers while tracing a finger on the baby's pink cheek. "It's a girl Liza- we have a baby girl" I say laying down next to my beautiful fiancé. "Congratulations" Dr. Sanders says exiting the room and closing the door behind her. "Juliette." Liza lets out still whispering. "I'm sorry?" I say a bit confused. "Juliette Rose Dobrik. That's her name" She exclaims looking at me in the eyes. I kiss her tenderly. "I love it"

— — — —

Liza's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes, feeling the sun rays heath up my skin through the thin fabric covering mine and David's naked bodies. I was about to close my eyes when I felt him shuffle around under the covers. David pulls me closer to him and I lightly kiss his jaw before getting up.

I grab some panties and wrap my silk robe around my bare chest when I hear a snore. I turn around just to see David has gone back to sleep.

I exit our room and walk down the hall to Juliette's room. I slowly crack the door open just in case she was sleeping, not wanting to wake her. To my suprise, my 15 month-old is standing in her crib, both of her hands on the barrier. Her smile widens when she sees me. "Hi baby" I coo taking her in my arms.

Juliette looks at me with those big brown eyes she got from David. I give her a kiss on the forehead and put her on the floor but she grips on my leg. "Mama" she blurts out.
This was her first word.

— — — — — —

David's P.O.V

Liza and I just picked up Juliette from school. Today was her first day and we're now in the car on our way back home. I turn around to see my two girls singing along to Feel It Still from Portugal The Man. I smile at myself and turn my attention back to the road as the song ends. "Hey daddy?" My 4-year-old daughter says from the back of the car. "Yes baby?" I answer. "For how long have you and mommy known this song?" I smile at her question. "Oh for a really really long time." Liza says before I can answer. "We used to listen to this song when you were in mommy's belly. Before you were born." We sit in silence waiting for Juliette's comment when she finally speaks. "That's so cool!" She says excitedly. "Yeah?" Liza adds. "Well yeah! Cause now mommy you have another baby in your tummy and you still listen to this song!" I look at Liza with a smile so wide my jaw hurts. She's 19 weeks pregnant with a little boy. We made them double check the sex this time to be sure we don't get another suprise. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely happy with a girl and I love Juliette with all my heart. But we had to repaint, redecorate her room and buy new clothes since they were all for boys which was a lot of work since Liza was recovering from giving birth to Juliette. Liza decided on Aiden James Dobrik for our boy's name. Let's just say I'll be very when this kid is born.

— — — — — —

Liza's P.O.V

I sit on the couch editing my video when I see my 16-year-old daughter
coming down the stairs. She seems nervous. Can't be school since it's winter break. And she has very good grades so I wonder what it could be. She makes her way to the living room  and sits besides me on the couch. I look at her but she just stares at her fingers. "Juliette?" I ask wondering what she's doing. "Yeah?" She says back. "Is something wrong? You know you can tell me anything right?" I take my glasses of as she lifts her head to look at me. "Um yeah I wanted to talk to you about something. It has to do with Josh." Joshua is her 8 month long boyfriend. He's a really sweet kid. "Don't worry it's nothing bad." Juliette reassures me. She must have seen he worry on my facet that I didn't even know I had. "Okay what is it baby?" I ask tenderly. She takes a deep breath before speaking up. "Well, I'd like to  start taking birth control pills" relief washes over and my face softens at her statement. "Oh okay. You scared me there Julie. But I'm happy you told me we can talk about it to your doctor you have an appointment next week." She smiles at me leans in for a hug. "Omg mom I was so scared to tell you. I had no idea how you were react." "Oh Juliette I'm your mother you can tell me anything you'll never be juged. You can't keep those things to yourself you know. You're young and experiencing life you did the right thing coming to me." I say stroking her hair. "I love you mom." She lets out. "I love you too sweetie."  "You won't tell dad will you? He'll murder Josh" I laugh a bit at her comment. David's with Aiden at his basketball game so I'm home alone with Juliette. "Baby, you're a gorgeous 16-year-old girl and you have a boyfriend of 8 months. Your dad isn't stupid he knows for sure something has been going on." I feel her body tense up at my comment. "Hey don't worry, we can see you and Josh love each other very much and your father would be proud to see that you make good choices." I pause for a second. "But if you don't want me to tell him, I won't tell him. I don't want you to be uncomfortable with this." I assure her. She releases all the tension trapped inside her small frame as she sits up to look at me in the eyes. "Thanks mom. You're the best I love you."  "I love you too baby girl"

Just then the front door opens and David comes in followed by Aiden. "Hi dad. Hey dork." Juliette says before running upstairs to her room. I get up from where I was sitting to go greet my husband and son. "Hey mom" Aiden says taking his shoes off. "Hey Aiden. Did you win?" I ask looking up at my 12 year-old son who's already taller than me. "Yeah we kicked their asses." He says while opening the fridge. "Wow that's great! I'm proud of you Aiden." "Thanks mom" he says and kisses my cheek before running upstairs with a bag of chips.

Finally, I turn and watch David as he sneaks his arms around my waist to embrace in a much wanted hug. He looks down at me and cups me face, kissing it lightly.
"I love you so much Liza"
"So do I my love"

Aaaaand I'm back! Haha I'm sorry for the unexpected leave but I needed to take things off my mind and I didn't have much time to write with the 27281919 exams I had. But I'm back and I'll opload as much as I can. Comment ideas if you have any I'll be pleased to take your requests.

David and Liza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now