*ch. 1*

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Yes you read that last part right. The drop dead gorgeous guy sitting next to me is my best friend. And who I have a major crush on.

I know it sounds like one of those types of stories where best friends love each other and confess their love and live happily ever after. I wish. The thing is that Spencer is as straight as a ruler.

But I just can't help and like him. When ever he flashes his beautiful smile, I get all giddy. Ugh! Why, why him? Couldn't it just have been some celebrity, or better yet, a guy who's actually gay? Guess not.

But of course no. I just had to go for a guy who I could never have a chance with.

I was snapped out of my thought when the teacher started calling my name.


"Uh, yes?" I asked.

"Were you not listening?"


"Spencer, fill him in?" He asked Spencer. I turned my head at him and he started talking to me.

"K, so. He was just talking about a project and then you dazed off." He explained.

"Oh, do we get to pick our partner?" I asked

"No, he's about to assign them." That probably means there's a slim chance we'll get put together. Ugh fuck me.

As Mr. Calif reads out the partners I keep hoping he'll call out 'Spencer and Bradlee'.

"Bradlee Carter and Logan Foster." Spencer and I let out a sad breathe. I look around the room for Logan. He's a pretty quiet kid so I never know where he is.

He's in the front row, desk closest to the door, scribbling in a notebook.

"You've got to be kidding me." Spencer whispered under his breathe.

"What's wrong?"

"I just got paired with Melanie. She's been trying to get in my pants since I hit puberty in eighth grade."

"I remember that."

" Now I gotta work on this project with her. God, what am I going to do? " Just as he says this, Melanie walks over to his desk.

"Hey Spencer." She says, extremely flirtatious.

"Hi Melanie. Haven't talked in a while. How you been?"

"I've been great. I see you're still looking as fantastic as ever hmm."

"Um yeah soccer season just started so I've been practicing."

"Yeah well anyway, we need to discuss when we should work on our project. My folks are on some trip for this whole week so the house will be completely empty, just us two, no distractions of any kind. Unless you think going to your house will be better for you. Either way works for me."

"Oh well it's probably not necessary to work at our houses. Mr Calif said he's giving us all of next week to work on the project in class. So we'll probably work here."

"Where there's lots of witnesses." I say under my breathe loud enough for Spencer to hear me. He obviously did because he looks over at me and smiles a bit.

"Sorry didn't see you there Bradlee. But hey," Melanie says turning her attention back to Spencer "if you want to stop by my place anytime, you're totally welcome. I won't be doing anything so I'm free."

"Okay, thanks." Spencer says turning away to look at me. She walks away and I let out a small laugh at the sight of Spencer's distress.

"Why were you so nice to her, you can't stand her!" I say.

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