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December 24th, 2017

Dak and I️ had just gotten home from the stadium after a heart breaking elimination game. Seattle had beat us 21-12 not allowing us to have a chance to make it to the playoffs. Zeke had just come back from his suspension and they couldn't even make the playoffs. Everyone was devastated but no one was more disappointed than Dak himself. We were supposed to road trip to Louisiana tonight to spend Christmas with his dad, brothers, sister, and niece and then go Carolina to spend Christmas with my family before coming back to Texas.

"Babe. Please don't beat yourself up over this. Yes I know it sucks being 8-7 on the season and not making it to the playoffs but you my love are just getting started. You have so many playoffs and Super Bowl wins in your future just you watch. And I will be there to support you always. Let's just forget about this game and go spend Christmas with our families. Little K isn't going to want to see her uncle Dak upset okay? Now smile and give me a kiss." I said lifting his chin. He had been staring at the ground for the past 20 minutes. Just staring.

"I know. I shouldn't be this upset but I threw 2 interceptions and I'm blaming this all on me. If I wouldn't have had such a big head this year we wouldn't have lost and we wouldn't be here right now, we'd be out celebrating a win and a chance at the playoffs, who knows we could even been East Champs and won more games in the beginning of the season but no I had to screw everything up. Man I hate this league sometimes." He said kissing my forehead as I sat in his lap and played with his fingers.

"Don't even start with that. This is not your fault. Rayne Dakota, you're mother would be disappointed in you for blaming yourself. You know that? I'm disappointed in you for blaming yourself, there's no I in team. It's a team sport not a 1 person sport so quit blaming yourself for this. It's out of your control now, it's Christmas Eve we're supposed to be happy and spending time with our families but we're not because you're upset. I get it, but you've got to be happy for when we see little K later. Please baby." I sighed running my fingers over his head.

"I know. What would I do without you? Always talking me down from that ledge and making me a better man. I love you so much."

"I love you too Rayne. Now let's go get packing so we can get to our families as soon as possible. I miss little K." I said pushing myself off his lap so that I could reach out for him.

"I miss little K too. I feel as if I haven't seen her in years even though I just saw her last month for Thanksgiving. She really loves you you know. Whenever you aren't around and they FaceTime me she asks for you, she adores you. Sometimes I think she loves you more than me. You're her auntie, and I intend on making you her auntie officially. Let's go see that girl of ours." Dak said with a huge smile on his face.

Dak meant every word that he told Shelby. He intended on making her his wife and the aunt of his niece. She didn't have that aunt figure and he knew she wanted it. Little K would always be one of his number 1 girls. Her and his momma would beat any girl he ever knew, but now Shelby was working her way up the chain. He would soon have 3 number 1 girls, in a few months he was sticking to what he said and was planning on proposing to Shelby.

He had been looking at rings for the past 2 weeks trying to find the perfect one. He had gotten Zeke and her best friend Savanna's help on picking the ring out because he knew if he were to pick it out on his own that he would screw up and it wouldn't be her size or what she wanted and then he'd have to get a totally different one.

"Uncle Dak!" Little Kennedy shouted at her uncle as he climbed out of the car that night. The couple had just arrived in Louisiana for the start of their Christmas celebrations.

The couples niece ran out to their car without a coat on which lead to many yells from her father and her aunt and uncle. She laughed it off and quickly ran back in the house to wait for her aunt and uncle to finally get inside with their luggage and the many of Christmas presents that Kennedy would be opening that following morning.


Even though it was late when we got to Tad's house little K wanted to stay up and make cookies so that she could leave them out for Santa. I couldn't say no when she pulled out the sad pouty face, I cracked under pressure. Man it'll be hard for me to say no when I have kids of my own because I feel as if they are going to get away with doing so much because the are going to pull the sad pouty face and I'm going to give in every time.

"Alright little miss, now that these cookies are done let's lay on the couch and watch "Elf" so you can fall asleep. You've got to get to bed as soon as possible or Santa can't come." Dak said to the small 10 year old. It made my heart so happy that she still believe in Santa because when I was her age I found out that he wasn't real and it crushed me. I couldn't image when little K found out he wasn't real, she'd be crushed just as I was.

"Okay uncle Dak. I love you so much I'm so glad that you're here. I feel as if I haven't seen you in forever. And just to let you know I'm not disappointed in your game today, I'm just mad that they wouldn't give you a chance to win. Daddy said those refs were awful, I would agree with him but not going to lie I have no idea what's going on half the time. I haven't learned everything there is to know about football yet but I'm getting there I promise." She said sassing.

"That's okay little K. You're getting there. Now let's watch "Elf" with your auntie."

The next morning little K woke us up bright and early ready to open her presents. Dak and I pretty much spoiled the crap out of her but that's what aunts and uncles are for. We had the easiest and slowest morning we've had all season. We took in all the laughter, peace, and love that came with Christmas.

"Auntie Shelby you still have a present from Uncle Dak!" Little K said placing a box on my lap. It was decorated in a beautiful red wrapping paper with a huge bow on top.

The box moved a little bit and then barked. It was a puppy. Dak knew I wanted a puppy. I lifted the lid to find a beautiful blue french bulldog puppy. This was literally my dream dog and I now have my own.

"Dak you didn't. Oh my goodness." I picked up the puppy out of the box and got tons of kisses. So much puppy breath.

"I did angel. You deserve the best, she doesn't have a name so have at it," Dak laughed. "Whatever you name her I'm sure I'll love."

"Piper," I said, I always have loved this name. "Piper Prescott, welcome to the family pretty girl."


liked by _4dak and 20,498 others_shelbykuechly_ welcome to the family piper🥰 View all 389 comments _4dak hey I'm a dad now!! ezekielelliott that means i'm her uncle right?

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liked by _4dak and 20,498 others
_shelbykuechly_ welcome to the family piper🥰
View all 389 comments
_4dak hey I'm a dad now!!
ezekielelliott that means i'm her uncle right?

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