Chapter Five

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When I woke up, the sun was shining directly in my eyes. I had managed to pull myself off of the ground and into bed last night. I pulled the sheets up around me, not wanting to get up. Eventually, the sun became too bright, Meredith too needy, and there was an relentless buzzing that came from my phone. I finally pushed the covers off, lying for a moment before swinging my legs out of bed. I looked down at my arms... definitely a long sleeve day. I rubbed my eyes, I had that crying hangover feeling, and stood up, going into the bathroom. I cleaned up my mess, tucking away my blade into a secret place, flushing the bloody toilet paper, and washing my face. I took a deep breath, looking at myself in the mirror. 

"Taylor, it's going to be okay. Okay? You will put that signature smile on your face and walk out into the world like nothing is wrong, okay? That's what you will do. That's what you always do," I told the reflection. 

I took a deep breath, finally yanking down my sleeves, smiling to myself in the mirror, and leaving the bathroom, flipping the lights off. I went downstairs and put cat food in Meredith's dish--her relentless meow-ing was almost getting to be annoying. Then, I got my phone and scrolled through my missed calls. Most of them were from my mother. Uh-oh. That was never good.

I called her back, getting out the Cheerios as the phone rang.

"Taylor! I've been worried sick!" my mother exclaimed as soon as she answered.

"What? No hello? No good morning?" I said, smiling slightly. "Mom, I was just sleeping, relax. It's not like I slept in unusually late."

"Taylor, I know, but I just worry... I am your mother."

I laughed, "I know, Mom. I love you!"

"Meeting at Big Machine in half an hour. Be there," she told me before hanging up.

I set my phone down on the table and got out my cereal and a bowl. I poured the Cheerios into the bowl along with milk. I began eating, looking around. Meredith weaved between my legs, rubbing up against me, wanting attention.

"I have to go," I told her after I finished eating. 

I went back to my room and got dressed in a sundress, sweater, and heels. I did my make-up and hair and grabbed my phone and purse before leaving my apartment. 

I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button to go down. 

Elevator buttons and morning air... the beginning line to "Ours" echoed in my mind and I smiled, I loved that song. 

I stepped out into the air conditioned lobby and smiled at the receptionist. Outside, clouds seemed to be forming, swelling with water and turning gray. Luckily, I always had an umbrella in my car. 

I drove to Big Machine, careful to not have another crash. I got there and climbed out of my Toyota as raindrops started falling from the sky. I ran into the building, making my way to the board room. 

"Taylor! Hey!" my mother jumped up and hugged me. 

I simled, sitting down in a chair. 

"Taylor, are you okay?" Scott asked and I assumed he was referencing my... accident. 

"I'm fine, it's all good," I offered a small smile, unsure of what to do with all their eyes on me. 

"We're working on finding who did it..." someone started and I rolled my eyes.

"It was a mistake!" I said, "They accidentally hit me. It wasn't some conspiracy theory!"

I marched out of the room, unsure of why. I didn't know what I was thinking... why I was thinking. The world was spinning around me, too fast for me to comprehend. Maybe they weren't thinking like that. Maybe they weren't going to try to get me more security. But chances are they were. I went over to Starbucks and ordered my usual skinny vanilla latte. I sat down and looked out the window, pulling my blond hair into a ponytail. 

"Boo!" someone said, jumping in front of me. 

"Ah!" I screamed.

"Hey, Tay, funny seeing you here!" Aria said, sitting down next to me. 

"Hey, Aria!" I smiled, absentmindedly tugging on my sleeves. 

"What's up?" she asked.

"Not much... I just kinda stormed out of a meeting at Big Machine," I told her sheepishly. 

Her eyes widened in surprise, "Taylor!" she burst out laughing, "I love you oh my God." 

"I need to do something fun," I told her, taking a sip of my latte. 

Suddenly, she grinned and looked at me, "I know exactly what to do." 

A/N: hey! sorry I haven't updated in forever my laptop broke & I had school & then I had writing camp (which was awesome) so yeah... but now I finally have some free time. 

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