up past 2:00am (DIRTY!)

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"baby." abel whispers in my ear.
"what, baby?" I say all tired and sleepy.
"I'm bored." He says all whiny.
"Well do something. I'm fucking tired. Go to sleep." I say all groaning.

He starts to run his hand up and down my thigh. I love but hate it when he does that.
"please... baby." he says all softly and sexy whispering in my ear.
"no. I'm not in the mood. In the morning." I say all grumpy and STILL tired.
"Fine. Ok." He says all sad.

He starts to lay down next to me and holds me like he's never seen me in a long time. I hold his hand and rub his knuckles in a soft way. I'm all tired but I love him. I turn to his side and boop his nose. I turn on the light and I face him and he smiles at me.

"I love you." He says all giggly and happily.
"I love you more." I say to him which makes him more happier.
"Why are you so happy?" I say to him in confusion.
"Because I love you so much." He softly says to me which makes me weak.

I turn off the light and cuddle next to him.

"Do you wanna spoon?" I say whispering to him.
"yes." he says making me weaker every time I hear his raspy voice.

We spoon and I try to fall asleep. I could feel his erection in his boxers. I turn around to him.

"you wanna fuck me. don't you?" I asked him.
"No.... well.... I don't know! I'm fucking horny." He said.
"Because I can feel your erection while we're spooning." I told him.
"It's not my fault. I can't control it!" He says all defensive.
"Oh my god baby! Don't worry." I said. "Just go to sleep."
"Okay, baby." He says.

I turn off the light and put my leg on him and pretend to sleep. His soft snoring makes me snicker because it's so cute but at the same time.. I'm getting kinda horny. So I get my leg off of him and I open my legs and start to kinda please myself. I run my hand down my body and I keep my other hand over my mouth so he won't hear me. But I don't think that will work because I am a kind loud moaner. My fingers make it to my vagina and I start to pleasure myself. I bit my lip and moaned as soft as I can. I turned on the light to see if he could see or hear me but his eyes are still closed. thank god. I start to rub faster which was kinda a bad idea because the bed was moving. I pant like a dog in heat and roll my eyes back like I'm possessed and let out one big fat moan. of course Abel woke up but pretended to still be asleep so he started to kiss my neck.

"Hi babygirl." He says all raspy and sexy.

His raspy voice is so sexy. I can't handle when he does that.

"H-h-hi b-b-b-baby oh fuck!" I say still pleasuring myself.

I stop pleasuring myself and I face him. He looks surprised yet horny. His face looks like he wants to fuck the shit out of me. He bites his lip and starts to make out with me. His hands travel down my ass and spanks me like the bad girl I am for teasing him. His spanks turn me on... not gonna lie.

"Oh fuck baby." I say all needlessly
"You're so fucking sexy, babygirl. I just want to fuck you so bad right now." He says to me with lust in his eyes.
"Then fuck me." I whisper in his ear.

He sits on the side of the bed and we continue to make out. He gives me love bites on my neck and licks my neck until he meets my covered breasts. I was only wearing a tank top and my nipples were hard. He grabs on to one of them and squeezes them like a toy. He bites his lip and looks desperate.

"You want to see them, daddy?" I say all sexual
"Yes.. yes please babygirl. Please." He says all whiny
"What's the magic word?" I say to him even though there is no magic word.
"Please, babygirl. I just want my wet tongue on them. I want to suck them really bad. I need you so fucking bad, please don't tease me, babygirl." He says with sorrow in his eyes.
"Okay daddy." I giggled

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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