Chapter One

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My other works-
Spy Between the Lines, Until Death Do We Stop Spying, Winters-McHenry for President, Finishing What We Started

I could hear my CoveOps teacher walking down to our classroom. "Yeah. Tomorrow? I won't be there, but I can set that up. That'll be great, Joe. A way to introduce them to each other. Email me more details. Bye." Mr. Evans walked into the classroom and slid his cell phone into his back pocket. He turned to us, a stern look on his face. "Hello, sophomore class. Welcome to Covert Operations, where you'll learn how to carry out your assignments as assassins."

I walked out of class with Grant feeling a little confused. What was Mr. Evans setting up? By "Joe," did he mean Joseph Solomon? And did he mean "them" as in us? Thankfully, CoveOps was the last class of the day, so Grant and I had time to hang out in our dorm room with Jonas. Although I would see that we did not have any time to relax until we did what we needed to do.

"Hey, Jonas," I said, walking into our room. "Could you do a little hacking for me?"

He kept his eyes focused on the homework in front of him. "Why don't you do it?"

"Because you're better at getting in faster than me and not leaving a trace."

"Still not going to help you."

I sighed. Ever since he'd been caught hacking into a government mainframe in eight grade, Jonas had been a little (okay, a lot) hesitant to do anymore hack jobs for me.

"Look, all I need you to do is get into Mr. Evans's email account. Simple n' easy. Besides, you still owe me for getting you out of that physical challenge thing last semester."

Jonas shot up. "Dude! Mr. Evans's email account is probably like hacking into the CIA."

I smirked. "There's only one way to find out."


"I'm in," Jonas grumbled, his fingers finally stopped flying over the keyboard. "So what exactly are you looking for?"

"An email from Joseph Solomon," I said, scrolling through my teacher's inbox. "Found it." I clicked on an email labeled 'Gallagher and Blackthorne @ D. C. Mall.'

"What's 'Gallagher'?" Grant asked over my shoulder.

"The Gallagher Academy's an all-girls school for spies," I answered. Jonas gave me a quizzical look. "Mommy dearest went there," I explained.

"So what does Blackthorne have to do with an all-girls spy school?" Grant questioned.

"I don't know. That's what we'll find out."

We skimmed over the words on the computer screen. "Looks like we're going to have a little field trip tailing girls," Grant smirked. "Easy."

"Wouldn't say that, Grant. When my mother doesn't want to be found, there is not a camera, satellite, or operative that can find her."

"Just don't over or underestimate them," Jonas piped up. "They could be below us, above us, or on the same level as us."

"Enough with the over-underestimate thing," Grant said. "I want to see who I'm assigned to."

Jonas scrolled down lower. "Grant, you're tailing Rebecca Baxter, sophomore in high school, British, with the code name 'Duchess.' "

Grant whistled. "I get a British Bombshell."

Jonas looked up at me. "Zach, you have Cameron Morgan, sophomore in high school, American, code name 'Chameleon'."

Wait, did he just say Morgan?

Jonas continued. "Her file says that she takes after her father, Matthew Morgan, who is, well, was, one of the greatest CIA pavement artists."

Yup, he just said Morgan. Matthew Morgan. I inwardly groaned.

When I was about to enter seventh grade, someone got a lead on The Circle of Cavan and linked it to Catherine Goode, my mother. The CIA sent Matthew Morgan to capture and bring her back. Only, he didn't come back. Not with Catherine, not with himself. He went MIA after several weeks of searching for her. Matthew disappeared because my mother had captured him, tortured him, and killed him. After that, I realized that she was made of pure evil and I stayed away from her as much as I could. Now I had to face the dead man's daughter.

"Earth to Goode, Earth to Goode," Grant said in my face. I guess I had been zoning out. "We found something else."

"Please don't call me Goode," I begged and turned to the computer screen. "What is it?"

"Well, it looks like we're going to be staying at The Gallagher Academy for a semester."

Oh, great.

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