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Jimin and Jungkook are from the same school and both of them are known for their handsome looks. Both of them are the popular boys at their school, but they don't know each other even though they're from the same school.

Jungkook has an abusive father, his mom died when he was 7 years old. His dad became abusive since his mother died. His dad always beats Jungkook if he doesn't obey him. Maybe that also explains his bad behavior at school, he had already given up on love and promised himself to never fell in love.

Jungkook is known to be the typical 'bad boy'. He basically doesn't give a fuck about anyone except his friends. He's cold, rude, and is also known to treat his called 'fans' badly. He does have many friends, but only a few of them are actually real and loyal to him.

Meanwhile, Jimin is the complete opposite. He's not known not only because of his handsome look, but also his personality. When Jungkook is rude and cold, Jimin is kind and is willing to help anyone. He's basically the sunshine of the school, and most of the students love him. There is two similarity Jimin share with Jungkook, he only has a few real and loyal friends. As both of them are popular, it is hard to find friends who don't befriend you only because of your popularity.

The second similarity they had is Jimin also has an abusive father, but he died when Jimin was 15 years old. Jimin has a rich family so his family doesn't really have problems ever since his father died because his mom is the one who works and provides for their family. Unfortunately, most of his mother's time is spent working, so she doesn't really have time for Jimin.

Both Jimin and Jungkook live in Seoul, but the difference is Jimin lives there alone as his mom is in Busan. While Jungkook lives with his dad.

What will happen if they start to know each other?

Just reminding you that this is a Jimin Top story by the way if you haven't seen my hashtags.

English is NOT my first language, so I do apologize if there are lots of grammar mistakes. 


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