On The Road Tour 2015

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ok there is this funny thing that i was sleeping then the gossip news came up then the news on One Direction then i fell outta bed  -_- anyways it said that the tickets for One Direction's On The Road Tour is open right now the Tv showed the amount of people getting tickets and believe me there were lots geez peeps calm down its 2014 ! well unless they want to be early to get front row tickets ...... hey spare me some tickets i never seen them in person ya know! then i remembered that my dad was near the place i told him to get me tickets as my Advanced birthday present but he said he might miss the flight if he goes there well duh...*coughs*the crowd*coughs* but really wanna go there i can't wait.... well i can wait but you get it well thats all i am sharing my exitment to every one reading but i know there are not many but ok so bye!!!

fan/vote/i can't get a ticket :(

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