Part 1

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Natsu pov

Screw it, I've had enough of this! how can I stand by and let my friends get hurt? no more being the idiot people claim me to be and stand up to these demons who hurt my loved ones, as i'm frozen in place of thought i watch as Acnologia killed my father figure, i watch all my friends fighting not for their lives but for their family... family? is that what these people are?





Everyone is that what they are?

'of course they are Natsu' a voice out of no where said, i'm looking around like crazy searching for the voice only to come face to face with someone i'm not ready to see- . my thoughts are interrupted by said being.

"Zeref what are you doing here?" i was trembling and sweating by now.

"just seeing how my brother is fairing at this moment in time i know-"

I cut him off by now shouting in his face.

"BROTHER!! please if you were any type of a brother you would of let me die instead of suffer 400 hundred years of emotionless torture, i have watch hundreds of generations die because of what you've done to me, so don't you DARE BROTHER ME!!" everything goes quite..

He just stares blankly into my eyes with those cursed eyes i saw hurt and pain in them, i went to far on this...

"listen Natsu" a stray tear slides down his pale cheek. "i never wanted to give you this life, i just.. i just didn't want to be alone, my little brother, dead and now living, i just wanted you back." by now he was kneeling on the floor and all fighting ceased to exist, everyone i knew even my enemies or failed creations before me was now gathered watching.

'They know' is what i thought, of all things my new family has to know so i try to speak to them.

"you guys didn't hear any of that, right? my head down and bangs covering my eyes shadowing my eyes from they non existent glares.. wait what?

the first to speak surprised me, "Natsu we heard enough... buddy, i too found out my dad was one of the nine demon gates" he must be talking about Silver, but still why is grey comforting me? so i look to the shocked silent blonde crying in tears and then look at her hands. Two shiny objects in her hands, before i realised i was in front of the blonde and touching my head to hers for comfort before she spoke.

"Natsu, i..i...i sacrificed Aquarius to save everyone-" she shivered in pain, no not physical pain but emotional pain and it made me boil who made her do this? i looked around until I found the culprit .

"rest now Luce i will avenge her i will avenge everyone, no longer will I stay in the shadows of my darkest secret." I lay a soft touch onto her head before walking towards the evil in question.

"Jackal... the blonde mage was fighting you no?" as i said this i felt my flames getting hotter my horns growing and my talons coming through my demon form releasing to the surface, all round i hear gasps from my friends.. no family, all of which held fear, shock, anger and hope?

"yes that was me master are you prou-"

"FOOLS!!! YOU SEEM TO HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR PURPOSE!" I screeched as I swatted Jackal like a fly.

"Then master please tell us!" it was kyoka now.

Fairy tail still silent but show no sign of hatred yet.

"ok.. let me tell you...again, your purpose.. your soul FUCKING PURPOSE, was to NOT KILL ANYONE ELSE OTHER THAN ZEREF!" as the reminder sinked in they flinched from me knowing my power so i summoned Mard Gear to my side.

"Mard what is the meaning of this? why have MY demons killed hundreds of innocent and trying to abolish magic when my orders where strictly to train and be strong enough to help kill my brother.." i said calmly with anger boiling past breaking point, a hand placed on my shoulder i looked to my left to see zeref a small smile placed on his face, then his too went angry and sinister.

"brother let me handle this you go help your family-"

"no we do this together"

we both turn to mard gear seeing fear in his eyes as his true masters face him for questioning.

"well we thought without magic zeref would be weakend and he too would have no magic."

' that fool!..'

i was stopped when zeref screamed from anger

"YOU ARE IDIOTS ON WHAT ENERGY DO YOU THINK CURSES RELY ON? look everything must have a balance natsu is the light to my evil, just like magic is the balance to curses, if one goes the other can not continue."

As zeref explained it in simple dialect i turned to my family and looked at them.

"so the cats out the bag i guess i should explain my self to you all..." i said this and they all look towards me waiting as if they don't know me anymore.

"well.. my name is Etherious Natsu Dragneel aka END, this is my biological brother, Zeref Dragneel, 400 years ago me and my parents and brother were attacked by a dark dragon, zeref being the only surviver, after nearly a decade of trying to resurrect me he succeed but there were prices to his methods. he never wanted to kill its just his curse of contradiction, the more he cherishes life the more he kills. he did create many genius inventions but never went through with them as they were too inhumane like the R-system. it caused him a great amount of pain, and me many years of suffering, i'm so sorry i couldn't tell you who i was as so many people wanted me for their evil plans, i hope you can understand" I didnt realise a solem tear go down my face as if all simultainiously everything happened in the blink of an eye. everyone even the demons are crashing me to the floor in a hug if it wasnt for my etherious form i would expect a couple broken bones.

"natsu you are our family" erza said.

"oi flame brain don't think you can walk away now i've got devil magic so we can go 1 on 1 still" grey joked/mocked, a tick mark grew on my head 'fool'

"natsu we still got all thos places to go fishing remember?happy my adoptive son complained.

"you big meatlug moron even if i lost one family member today don't think i wont let you go, i've still got to pay rent, you promised me an adventure, ok?!" Luce my female best friend chastised.

"MASTER!!! WE WILL CHANGE OUR WAYS!" my demons cried out

"brat you are like a son too me don't make me give you cleaning duty.." makarov...


"brother..." i heard i got up and turned around to see my brother away from everyone then i had a thought.

"Big brother why be lonely? all you've done is push people away afraid to show love towards them, maybe let them show love to you... its worth a try"

"little one you are quite right and you do have a point maybe i could try but what about my curse?"

hmm he does have a point what would happen? i look around trying to find an answer, as i'm looking i see all my family and demons staring at zeref welcoming him? thats not an odd one for fairy tail but the gates?... gates... celestial gates... thats it! i turn to the Stella mage in apprehension.

"natsu why are you looking at me like that?" lucy said shivering

"well my dear friend you are the key it could help you too, theres some things you dont know about celestial magic" i said

"natsu do you think THAT will possibly work?" zeref ask in shock.

you would of thought my brother the child genius of his generation would of thought of it earlier...

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