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*watch the trailer on the side pleeaaaseee (:*

♡ Intro. 

            He never noticed me. I was always the invisible girl, the shadow that blended in with the lockers on the walls. No one paid much attention, except for my minimal amount of friends that I can count on one hand. I didn't mind the nonentity life I was living too much; I didn't like being in the spotlight anyways due to my immense shyness and phobia of large crowds. But I just wanted him to see me for once. I just wanted to get the slightest glance for reassurance that he knew of my existence, although I was quite positive he had no idea we had two classes together.

            He wasn't like the other jocks. He was a British exchange student for two years now, gaining the popularity he well deserves and maintaining his high status quite skillfully, might I add. He isn't a jerk, but he isn't genuine. He isn't cocky, but he isn't subtle with his well-managed physic and skill as the quarterback on our school football team. He knows he's popular, but he shows no amusement in the attention he manages to stir every single day when he walks into the halls. He knows he's attractive, yet he doesn't flaunt his large muscles to every girl that swoons over him.

            There's only one word to describe him as and that's mysterious.

            Talk about cliché, right?

            But the way he carries himself is different. I can't quite depict the exact definition of his swift yet rugged movements, but I know he's unlike anyone I've ever seen before. Unlike anyone I've ever heard of before.

            And I haven't even spoken a single word to him.

            The cheesy storyline continues with me being the quiet nerdy girl everyone merely walks past in the halls without even the slightest shoulder bump, while he's the school athlete, the school charmer, the school badass, and of course; the school's mysterious. He hasn't given me a single look in the two years he's been here, but I notice him every single day just like everyone else in this hellhole they call a place for education and learning. He doesn't know I exist.

            Experts supposedly say infatuation only lasts for four months, and if exceeded past then, you're considered "in love." I refuse to believe I "fell in love" with a boy that knows nothing of my presence, and who I've never even done a simple gesture as waving to. So clearly, the experts are dead wrong with their whole theory.

            I'm simply infatuated with Harry Styles.



A/N: Okay, that was the intro, yay! I'm so excited for this you guys :D If any of you have watched Freaks & Geeks (it's from the 90s, but it's an incredible show and James Franco is heavenly) then you might realize some similarities. Whale, the backstory to that is because I literally watched every episode of Freaks & Geeks yesterday on Netflix, and it kind of helped inspire the plot even more. But I did come up with the plot first, however I'm tweaking it ;) Hope you guys like it!! Love you all (: xx

P.S. That author's note was way too long, omg.

P.P.S. Please, please give this book a chance. K, thanks (:


Infatuation // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now