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Have you ever felt like your being watched, when you're really just all alone? Have you ever noticed when you close your eyes all the random colors and shapes start to come together and the look like something. Something you've never seen before, it's almost like you cannot make it out even though it's right there. Well something is there. Its name is Silence.

That's what I named it at least. I've had multiple encounters with this "thing." This is just a warning it may not kill you but it'll drive you to the point you'll want to kill yourself. It never leaves, it's always there, always watching. That is what will get you in the end. As time goes by Silence feeds of your sanity. That's how he manages to stay with his victim till they die.

My first encounter with this "thing" (I'm not sure what it is) was when I was just a kid. I had just moved across country to an entirely new place. It was extremely hard for me to make any friends due to my social awkwardness. I soon fell into a depression like state, I always was sleeping. It was unhealthy, sometimes I would just sleep an entire week away. One day while I was sleeping I woke up to the feeling of being watched. Chills crept up my spine as I looked around in the pitch blackness of my room at the time. I stood up to fast to turn on the light of my room after deciding my room was empty. I look back on that day wishing I would've just stayed in bed. As the colors rushed to my vision because I stood up to fast. That's when I saw all the usual blobs of color, except they just weren't right. They kept trying to join together. And I just sat there becoming more worried by the second.

I'm not sure exactly how long I just stood there. But it had to have been enough time for my vision to go back to normal. The colors didn't though they just kept slowly joining together. Eventually they finally made something. It stood about 8 feet tall. It had arms but they didn't lead to anything they just kinda disappeared into the darkness. And it's face, that what scared me forever. It didn't seem to have one it just was there, It had no facial features just blackness that seemed to be darker than the darkness itself. It's body was ungodly it had an a massive eye in the middle of its chest that seemed to never blink and it's color looked even darker compared to the pale whiteness of the creatures skin. Whatever this thing was it never made a sound, hence it's future name "Silence." After awhile I shook my head and it disappeared.

I wish it would've just left me alone. It didn't I don't know how I'm still here, I can't close my eyes without seeing the thing looming at me from somewhere in the darkness surrounding me. It has never left me and I don't think it will until I die. So this may be it for me. I'm slowly losing my mind. I let it win, once again caught in a never ending death trap. Just don't let it come into your mind, if you close your eyes and the colors start to form into something open them. It'll save you from it. It lives in you always your mind just protects you from it. But if you see the colors long enough your mind can't save you anymore. It's better to end it then than to suffer until you die.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2014 ⏰

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