02 // first day

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You sat down in the front of the classroom in science, knowing that by doing this, you would pay more attention to the class and teacher. No way am I going to be held again after class like prey. You stated to yourself, shivering as you remembered what happened only but a few minutes ago.

You took notes, trying to be as good as possible and gain this teacher's trust and liking. You raised your hand a couple of times as well, feeling proud of yourself for answering the correct answers and for asking questions that the teacher praised you for asking. You felt victorious in this class, like royalty among peasants. Oh wait— Um!

But yeah, to say the least, you were a pro when it came to science.. And apparently so was another person.

You glanced behind you, watching as the male with light blue hair that you ran into earlier today answer a question and get praised immensely by the teacher. You looked forward again, pouting as you felt your glory being swept away from your grasp. You continued to hang onto it tightly though, raising your hand more and answering more questions to get it away from your science rival.

The bell rang, everyone stood up, and people started shuffling out of the classroom. You let out a sigh of defeat, knowing that you were not victorious by the end of it. Collecting your things, you made your way towards the door to head onto your next class. "(Y/N)? Is it?" You turned around, nodding your head before realizing who you were talking to.

It was the male student you were competing with earlier, and if your memory serves you right, his name was Megamo.

"My name is Megamo Saikou. It's very nice to meet you." Megamo greeted, holding out his hand for you to shake. Yup, I was right. You quickly shook his hand, letting said hand rest next to you afterwards. "You already know my name, but I'll say it again anyways. I am (Y/N) (Y/L/N). It's a pleasure to meet you as well." You greeted as formally as you could, giving him a small yet very quirky smile.

You glanced up at the clock, you (e/c) eyes bulging as you realized what time it was. Holy hECK— "Oh my goodness! I-I gotta go! I promise we'll talk later! You better hurry as well before you end up late!" You ranted, scrambling out of the classroom and not even waiting for a response from Megamo. You about sprinted to your next class, dodging many other rushing students as you went so you wouldn't knock them down. You glanced at the clock, the cursed thing telling you that you have only one minute and making you go full blown panic mode.

Hurry up! You freaking (s/c) legs! You screamed to your legs in your mind for the second time that day, your breath becoming uneven as you started to exhaust all your energy in the moving factor of your body.

You skidded into what you finally remembered was social studies, plopping your butt down in a seat near the window and placing your things on the desk in front of you with a sigh of relief. The teacher walked into the classroom again, starting class and handing you all paired classwork. You looked to your right, greeting the male next to you with a smile.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" You greeted with what was now a grin, holding your hand out for the other to shake. Light brown hair. The sweetest of smiles. Turquoise eyes. Pale skin. "My name is Amao Odayaka!" He replied, shaking your hand with a smile that literally made your heart melt into a chocolate pudding consistency.

You let go of his hand, looking down at the assignment with a soft smile on your face. "Okie dokie! We can do this!" You encouraged both of you guys as you started on the assignment, which was pretty much just both of you naming all the cities in Japan and different monuments and what they meant. To sum it up, you were one hundred percent screwed.

You let out a loud groan, mentally cursing the social studies teacher for doing this to you. "I have zero clue! The only thing I know about this place is Tokyo, Samurais, Anime, and a few other useless things!" You about yelled, slamming your head on the table and earning a few giggles and chuckles from the other students. Amao laughed as well, patting your back in a sympathetic manor as he continued to help you through the assignment.

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