Chapter: 2 The joys of being June

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It was the morning of May 8, 2017. I woke to a chilly room, and a toasty warm blanket.
My face felt freezing from the tip of my nose up. I was half asleep and had no intentions of getting out of bed, especially since it was just 7:00 a.m.
My room was completely silent, the only things i could hear was the slight noises from the house, and my own breathing.
I usually wake up at this time, and just lay in bed forever. I dont have a specific time to wake up, since im home schooled.
My lessons dont start until noon.
I video chat my math teacher first for an hour. Then take an hour break. And then do english for an hour, and take an hour break. And so on with science, and history.
Science is my all time favorite subject. I just admire everything about it, its rather inspirational.
I want to be a scientist one day, but i may not be able to fufil this want because of my condition.
I mean, what scientist has cancer? Not many. They study cancer, they usually don't have it. I feel like scientists are so smart, they know exactly how to keep from ever getting any illness, what-so-ever. Its like they can sense when any sickness is coming their way, before symptoms. I wish i could have seen my cancer coming, maybe i could have some how stopped it.
Now, im stuck with a crap ton of prescription drugs 4 times a day, and an oxygen tank named Jeffrey as my constant companion.
Why did i name it Jeffery, i don't know. Ask my 3 year old self, when i decided it needed a name.
Many of my doctors still ask me what my biggest dream is, so the genies can make it " come true. "
I still have yet to tell them.

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