Tyre Skid

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My motorcycle’s tyre always skids. I never tried to find out or never succeeded in trying to find out beyond a point why it does. Whenever I try to… looking at the almost new treads; I give it up thinking it is my imagination that it skid.

But then my cousin confirmed it. Looking at his expression it seemed that I do a miracle riding the bike on such a tyre. It took me time to get him back to his senses and cool him down. I never intended to lend him my bike anyways as I don’t like to lend it. In a sense I was happy to see the future where he would never again try to borrow the bike.

The impact on him was greater than I expected. He got afraid of his own bike or should I say scooter. Looking at his impacted face a couple of days later; I thought that he needs a physiological checkup. Why would anybody fear a skidding tyre? A tyre that I wasn’t even sure that skidded.

News spreads fast. It is faster when it is negative and takes the form of rumors. I was surprised to hear the story from my far friend about some-one in my area whose bike skids. The story had lots of new twists and it was difficult to infer that it was my story… or err my cousin’s story. Digging deep with some more contacts did not yield the results as during the rumor epidemic the name of the causality was lost. I was anxious… but then laughed at the whole thing. The unconfirmed story had created a curiosity in me… which also did generate a wick of dark suspense in the corner of my mind.

The curiosity was leading me to unchartered frontiers. I then prayed quickly to god and asked his divine intervention to help me out of it.

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