Part 2: The Beautiful Stranger

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Piero's POV:

*6:30 p.m.*

I looked in the mirror. I was in my hotel room buttoning up my white dress shirt and trying to fix my hair. Our concert was beginning soon, and I always liked to look my best. Though they were long and tiring, I always loved our performances. Getting to sing in front of a live audience and see everyone smiling, to know that it was me that put those smiles on their faces...... well, it was the reason I loved what I did.

I finish getting ready, once I was satisfied with my hair, and leave my room to meet Nazio and Gian backstage to warm up our voices for the concert.

*One hour later*

Our performances are always fun, but this one in particular just seemed extra exciting. I was simply standing onstage, beginning my solo when I glance down to the front row, and spot a girl. That is when everything changed. My heart stops, and I can barely draw a breath for a moment. I've met many beautiful, sexy girls before, but she wasn't beautiful or sexy in the way that they were. Somehow, she was different, she was better. She was.......enchanting. Her hair was a deep golden color, cascading in light waves almost to her waist, while her eyes were a intricate ocean blue that got lighter towards the center of her eyes. I could tell she had her hair and makeup done, however it didn't make her look overdone, just even more gorgeous. Her glittering dress lightly reflected the stage lights above, making it almost seem like she was glowing. To me, she was a radiant goddess that I knew I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off. 

I don't know what came over me, my mind was overcome with the urge to hold her and have her by my side. I reached down, lifted her up, and gently set her down next to me. My heart is beating rapidly, I can't believe what I just did! Usually it is Ignazio doing crazy things like this, but I just couldn't have her away from me a second longer. And, as it turns out, it was completely worth my momentary embarrassment. I couldn't get over how surprised and excited she looked! Her eyes were gorgeous and sparkling, her bright, flawless smile shone brighter than all the stage lights hitting her smooth olive skin. I finished the song feeling like I was in the clouds; holding her hands and looking into those entrancing blue eyes that I could get lost in forever. 

As Ignazio and Gianluca came back on stage, I felt myself tense. I knew that they would take tries at romancing her the way they always do when there is a pretty girl on stage with us. Usually, I wouldn't care. We would all mess around, joke with her and laugh. But, this, at least to me, was different. I didn't want them romancing her, to be completely honest I didn't want them even going near her. Despite having just met her, I feel like I have known her forever and wanted her all to myself. So, when Gianluca asked me about her, I slid my arm protectively around her waist and said she was my bella; my playful way of telling him and Igna to back off. Unfortunately, Ignazio didn't get the message, as he came up, pulled her away from me, and said she was HIS bella. I have always seen Ignazio as almost my brother. He really is an amazing guy and one of the closest people to me. However, the moment he touched her I felt the strong urge to punch him right in the jaw while cursing him out in Sicilian.  I was brought out of my thoughts by Gianluca asking us to introduce the next song. I quickly collect myself and announce the title, "O' Sole Mio". As the music began to play, I looked over at my beautiful stranger only to see Gianluca had made a beeline for her. It was moves he used all the time on girls, the cheek caress, the wink, the sly smirk. It made anger boil up inside me to see him treat her like she was just any other girl when she so obviously wasn't! 

Then, when it was at last my turn to sing, I hit the biggest, strongest note I possibly could in an attempt to impress her and pull her attention away from Gianluca. Amazingly, it worked. She pulled herself away from him and looked right at me, making me feel as if I was floating, weightless. I took her hands and began to dance with her. I found it incredible how in time our steps were, it seemed like our bodies were made to move with one another.  I spun her around and around and was holding her in my arms when she began to laugh. It was a joyous, beautiful sound that I loved and just wanted to listen to forever. I was having the time of my life, when I saw Ignazio come up behind her and his face appear next to hers. As she let go of my hand, I felt my heart drop to my stomach and the dreamy, weightless feeling drain out of my body.

Again, I felt that hot, violent sensation rise up within me as he stroked her arm and brought it around his neck. 'How dare he?!?!' I couldn't help thinking. As I watched them sway together I felt myself wishing to be in Ignazio's shoes, a feeling I didn't relish, I have never been jealous of him before. Jealous?! Was that what I was? I marveled over how a girl that I just met five minutes ago could make me jealous of my best friend of eight years.

Finally, the song finished with a flourish and I saw Ignazio and my beautiful stranger take a bow while the audience cheered and clapped. I thought for a moment and smiled. Our next song was a duet between me and Gianluca, so Ignazio wouldn't be on stage. I did, in fact, relish in the feeling of knowing that there was at least one less thirsty Italian boy to keep at bay from my bella.

I looked over at my girl, so I could once again take myself back to us dancing in each other's arms. Instead, I began to worry. She didn't look too good at the moment, her face blank and terrified. I called to her, as did Gianluca, scared that someone had done something to make her uncomfortable. Her eyes rolled back, her eyelids closed, she started to lean to one side. Not leaning, she was falling! I dropped my microphone with a crash like thunder that reverberated throughout the theater and sprinted upstage to try and reach her. However, Ignazio ended up catching her, and I fell to my knees by her side.  I'm breathless. I don't know what has happened to her but I act on my first instinct. I scoop her up in my arms, bridal style, and ran her off stage to find someone, anyone, to help. 

At last, the first aid manager found me and had me take her to rest in one of luxurious theater lounges and said that she would soon wake up and be completely fine. I so was relieved to hear that I could have kissed him! Not that I would have. He also told me to return to the concert now that she was taken care of, which I blatantly refused to do. I had silently promised myself before, while I was carrying her, that I would be with her as long she needed me to, maybe longer if I could.  That was one promise I was adamant never to break.

I stood by her side for what the clock told me was a little less than an hour, but felt like years. They had said she would wake up, but what if they were wrong? What if she never woke up? I tried to push that thought out of my mind. At long last, I see that her eyes are fluttering open. My heart soars, and all my fears melt away at the sight of her cerulean blue eyes. 

She asked me what had happened to her, though I wasn't exactly sure how to respond. How do you tell someone they just fainted in front of hundreds of people? I tried to explain as nonchalantly as I could, but cringed as I was forced to relive the painful memories. I also, resentfully, told her that it was Igna that saved her, not me, causing a trickle of that violent feeling from before to return. 

I studied her face to see how she was taking this. The color drained from her cheeks. Her eyes grew wide, then wider and wider as she seemed to be calculating the events. I started to panic as her breath sped up, so I quickly rushed to her side. 

"I'm sorry." I heard her say as glistening tears coursed down her soft cheeks. Sorry? I must not have heard her right. What could she be sorry for? If anything, I should be apologizing to her, I'm the one who put her on stage in front of all those people, under all that pressure. I gently tell her that she has nothing to be sorry for, I can't believe she's blaming herself.

"I do. I ruined your concert!" she says, sobbing. Ruined our concert? I almost laugh at the ridiculousness of the statement, but it breaks my heart to see her cry. I assure her that she in no way did, then whisper words in my language in an attempt to calm her (and maybe impress her a bit ;) ). Everything from lyrics to my favorite love songs, to poem lines and simple words of love and devotion while stroking her soft, gold hair. I finish by saying:

"You have made this the best concert of my life, bella mio."

And I meant every word of it. 


Awww isn't he sweet?

Hello everybody! Thank you SOOO much for reading! It really does mean alot to me. Please feel free to comment your thoughts and feedback, as I will be uploading Part Three very soon!! Woo-hoo! I would love to keep continuing this story, and I have a lot of exciting stuff on the horizon. Stick around to see how it all unfolds!

Much love! 

~Michelle  <3

P.s. I put the video I did up above (not only because I love the song) because 'volare' means 'flying' and Piero says he feels like he's in the clouds. Plus, 'nel blu degli occhi tuoi blu' means 'in the blue of your blue eyes'. Aw I'm sappy. <3

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