First Day

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Chapter 1

Lara was sitting in her new English class, her fingers playing with the far corner of the desk. Her head resting on top of her other arm stretched across the desk. The girl brought her hand up to tuck her dirty blond locks behind her ear as they fell in front of her face. The new English teacher still hadn't arrived even though the class technically started a few minutes ago. It was the first day back at school. The girl closed her eyes trying to drown out her classmate's chatter as her head pounded.

Lara blinked open her eyes a few minutes later and spotted Kyle, strolling in late as usual.

"Why are you so quiet?" The tall boy asked after a few minutes. His brown hair falling into his eyes as he leaned forward to look at his best friend's face.

"Headache." Lara huffed before closing her eyes once more.

"Awh, want me to kiss it better?" Kyle cooed amused.

"If you must," Lara replied with a chuckle rolling her eyes. He leaned in brushing her hair back from her face and gently kissed her temple.

The new teacher walked in at that moment and looked straight at the pair.

"Wow..." Lara let slip breathlessly as her eyes landed on brunette walking toward the centre of the room, confidence oozing off of her.

"I know I'm a good kisser and all Lara, but really It was only a kiss on the head." The boy teased with a toothy grin drawing her attention back to him.

"Not you." She deadpanned.

"Her." Lara motioned to the beautiful woman who was now at standing at her desk sorting papers. Everyone one else in the room seemed to have noticed the woman's presence as the classroom became quite.

"Oh, she's young." Kyle raised his eyebrows. "And fucking hot!" he added with a smirk checking her out.

"Perv," Lara whispered.

"Oh, I'm the perv." Kyle rolled his eyes. "No more than a minute ago when you saw her, I believe your words were 'wow'." He mimicked emphasising the 'wow' sexually.

"I didn't say it like that!" Lara cut in quickly and pushed his arm.

"Your gay is showing." Kyle snickered. "It was more like 'wow'." He added more sexually this time with a moan. Which of course had caught the attention of the teacher who was now staring at the pair with her eyebrows raised. Lara could feel the heat rising in her face under the woman's intense gaze, she lowered her head quickly, suddenly finding the desk very interesting.

"You are such a jerk!" The girl whispered.

"Excuse me?" A feminine but somewhat husky voice answered back. Lara lifted her gaze and looked up to see the teacher staring down at her, standing directly in front of the girl's desk. The woman's stunningly deep chocolate eyes on her were intimidating. Her pulse quickened. Kyle chuckled silently unaffected. Lara turned to him with narrowed eyes.

"I-I wasn't talking about you, sorry I was talking to him." The blonde stuttered out looking back up at the teacher. An amused smirk played on the women's lips, not unnoticed by Lara she prickled, anger starting to take over.

"Good, well If you don't mind I would like to actually start the class." The brunette answered back smugly. The class giggled. Embarrassment washed over the younger girl at being called out in front of everyone.

"Bitch." Lara said boldly, a bit too loudly in anger as the teacher walked away.

"I suppose that was for him too." The woman said turning back around quirking a perfect eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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