Chapter 2

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‘Thanks Anne, that was so good, You were right Harry, you mom does make the best pudding in the world!” I said feeling like I was about to explode

“I told you!” he said in a smart manor

“Well I better be getting home then!” I said smiling. “Thankyou very, very much for you hospitality and dinner, it was lovely!”

“Thanks for staying” replied Anne

“Ill walk you home, I heard Gemma yell cutting off Harry.

“Cool, shall we go?” I asked

‘Lets!” I heard Gemma say as we made out way out of the kitchen. “So I see you and Harry are getting along just fine then!??!”

“Hhaaa oh yeah, we are getting along fine” I said feeling my face start to blush.

“You know, once he gives his heart away, its forever!”. “and he has given it to you. I can tell already!” she said as we reached my door. “Your coming over tomorrow right?” Gem asked

“Yes sure” I replied with a grin, knowing that I will see Harry tomorrow.

“Well goodnight” I called as I closed the front door.

“I see you made some new friends!” I heard mom say when I closed the door

“Yeah, the Styles. A lovely family.” I replied before running up to my room. As I began to get changed I felt something in my pocket. I pulled out the piece of paper with a phone number on it saying Call me!

Cheeky Devil I laughed as I pinned it on my board before taking a shower. As the hot water ran over my shoulders today’s events ran through my head. Had I really just kissed a guy that I only met? Did he feel the same way I did? Does he like me? And what Gemma said about him giving his heart away only one and its forever.

I turned off the shower and changed into my Pink moo, moo pyjamas and climbed into bed. I picked up my iPhone and put Harry’s number into my phone.


‘You Cheeky Devil, xx El”

“So you got my note! Xx Haz”

“Well ill see you tomorrow, Goodnight! Xx El”

“Goodnight Beautiful, can’t wait xx Haz”



I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun beaming in through the huge windows that overlooked Harry’s back yard, I guess I forgot to close my curtains. Oh well I thought. I made my way down to the kitchen to see mom standing there with some bags.

“Where are you going mom?” I asked in a concerned tone

“Rhonda was in a car accident last night, and I’m going to see her in Doncaster.

“Oh okay tell her I wish her the best.”

“I will darling, anyway, I went and spoke to Anne this morning and she said that it was fine if you wanted to stay at their house or if you wanted Gemma and Harry to stay here with you. It’s up to you, and ill leave you the keys to the Mini so you have a car.”

“Thanks mom, wish her all my love!” I said as I helped mom put the bags into the back of her Volvo XC90.

I watch mom drive down the street before I walk inside closing the wooden front doors and headed up to my room. I walked into my room and turning my Mac up as loud as it will go, playing ‘How will I know, Covered by Sarah De Bono from Australia’s version of The Voice, which rocks.

I dance my way into my bathroom and hop in the shower listening, dancing and singing to this song. I turn off the water and reach for my towel, realising its not there, I groan “bollocks” I quickly jump out and make a quick dash for my room, avoiding the big windows to reach my wet, cold towel resting on the end of my bed.

I walk over to my wardrobe and pull out some shiny white heels, black leggings, a black and white stripped skirt, black belt white singlet and a white leather jacket before applying some makeup and brushing my hair, leaving it down because quite frankly I cant be bothered experimenting with it.

I walk down stairs grabbing my keys off the rack and heading in to the garage and into my Mini (moms old car) I opened the garage door to see Harry’s Range Rover parked in the way.

I managed to hop back out of the car and walked to Harry’s window

“Good morning beautiful!” he said with a cute grin on his face

“Well, Hello Sex God!” wait what, did I just say that…. Oh my god no I didn’t did I. I could see Harry’s face light up

“Well I'm going to McDonalds, you coming?” I asked

“Well I'm already in my car so lets go”

“Lets!” I said closing the garage door behind me.

As we made our way onto the M6 we neared McDonalds. Before any of us said anything. The car ride was silent until

“So, Sex God hey??” Harry stated smiling with a huge grin

“Shut up!” I said giving him a little punch in the side


As we were coming out of the restaurant, Harry suggested that we go back to his house so when the boys from One Direction arrived I could meet them.

“That sounds great!” I said as we arrived back into Holmes Chapel.

When we pulled up at the Styles residence I noticed that there was 2 cars parked out the front

“They are here!” Harry said sounding very excited as I imagine he would be. “Here take my hand” he said as we made our way up the stairs. I took his hand with no second throughs, our hands fit perfectly together. As the door swung open and we walked in

“HARRY!” I heard as someone was running towards him

“Louis, this is Ellie”

“Nice to meet you my lady!” he said taking a bow.

“Ellie, this is Eleanor, Louis Girl friend”

“Lovely to meet you, Ellie!”

“Ellie, this is Zayn, Liam and Niall, the rest of One Direction!”

“Lovely to meet you all!”

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