✨Chapter 4✨

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     Even though she was only in Orlando for a week, she was able to explore all the tourist sites as well as try out surfing. She may not be athletic but seeing all the people who were surfing, young and old inspired Dinah to attempt surfing. At first she was struggling to get on the board but the more times she tried it the better she got. She managed to stand on the board for at least thirty seconds before she went under water which was her personal best.

     On her final day in Orlando she decided to have a relaxed day on the beach where she could unwind on an eventful week. Watching the sun set, she thought back to her one night stand with Y/n. She usually doesn't do one night stands especially having just broken up with her boyfriend of two years. But there was something that attracted her to Y/n. She couldn't place what it was. She was definitely charmed by Y/n's charisma and confidence. And those tattoos definitely helped.

     Dinah has always been drawn to people with tattoos. Man or woman if you had tattoos Dinah was likely to flirt with you. Y/n's tattoos were beautiful with intricate designs. Being an artist herself, she could definitely relate to intricate and abstract designs. She even thought about being a tattoo artist once when she graduated from college.

     All in all, Y/n was her highlight of her time in Orlando. She couldn't stop thinking about Y/n and how she made her feel. She still manages to get wet just remembering their time together. She has never come so many times in such a short amount of time in her entire life. She wasn't even sure why she stayed with Nela as she had to fake her orgasms from time to time when she was sexually active with Nela. He had his moments but Y/n was mind blowing.

     Dinah couldn't believe she even let Y/n come inside her. She just hoped she wouldn't get pregnant. She wasn't sure she could handle being a mother at the moment when her career was just beginning. Later down the road when she was settled and in a relationship with the love of her life she could think about getting pregnant.

     If she had met Y/n under different consequences she would have tried dating Y/n. She was sweet and gentle. Some people may think Y/n was a cocky and ungrateful soccer player but when she was with Dinah she showed a different softer side which Dinah found to be attractive. Dinah still berates herself for not getting Y/n's number. She had hoped they would keep in touch somehow to see if anything could develop but with no way to contact Y/n she didn't know what would happen next. If it was meant to be it will be.


     When Clarke landed in New York, Lauren and Camila pick her up. She approached them near baggage claim and found them lip locked until she had to clear her throat to get their attention. "Alright love birds. I see you missed me." She interrupted their make out session.

     "Finally you're home. We missed you." Camila was the first to break off their kiss.

     "I'm happy to be back can't wait to start painting again. I've already got ideas." Dinah felt inspired during her time in Orlando and she couldn't wait to put her thoughts on a canvas and show off her work.

     Whilst on the plane she had worked on what her next art piece should be. Before her holiday, she was uninspired. Her mind was blank but after meeting Y/n, she had suddenly gotten inspired. She drew a quick sketch of deep intense grey eyes. The sketch showed eyes with so much emotion. They conveyed a story of a person who doesn't express their feelings to anyone too easily.

     "What did you get up to? Did you try out surfing?" Lauren asked, playing with Camila's fingers which were on her lap.

     "It was awesome! And I did try out surfing even though I wasn't that good." Dinah replied with a chuckle trying to hide her blush as the memory of her time with Y/n crept up in her mind.

     As she said the words "awesome" Lauren could tell that something had happened in Orlando. "Ah ha! Who was it Dinah? Please do tell." She said playfully with raised eyebrows.

     Dinah tried to pretend she didn't know what her best friend was talking about. "Just some woman nothing to talk about. I know she plays soccer, so there's nothing to know. It was just a one night stand." She tried to keep it short but she found herself blurting out "the sex was amazing if only she lived in New York." Lucky for her Lauren didn't hear the last part."

     They started rapping and singing along to the songs playing on the radio. Dinah started day dreaming again. In her dream, Y/n was between her legs and those damn long keeper fingers were inside her tight entrance. She instantly found her herself getting wet yet again.

     When they arrived at their apartment, Camila rushed to Dinah's side to get all the details about her mysterious woman she met in Orlando. As much as Dinah wanted to tell them all the details of a certain tattooed brunette she felt it was too personal to reveal all but she still found herself saying "her name is Y/n and she has tattoos. OMG she looked so hot with her sleeves rolled up. She wore a fedora and I couldn't help myself but flirt with her. From then on one thing led to another." Dinah thought Camila would have interpreted her like usual but as she turned to look at Camila's reaction she found her browsing through her phone.

     Camila held her phone in front of Dinah. It was a picture of the one and only Y/n Y/ln star goalkeeper for Washington Spirit.

     Dinah was gobsmacked she didn't know Y/n was famous. Let alone that famous. She found herself smiling and grinning as she got to sleep with Y/n. She often found Lauren and Camila talking about a hot goalkeeper with awesome tattoos. Both Lauren and Camila had Y/n on their celebrity list they would marry. Y/n was obviously at the top of the list. Both Lauren and Camila were season ticket holders for Western New York Flash. They were big sporting fanatics and knew all about the NWSL gossip. They followed all of Y/n's social media accounts; they were border line stalkers.

     "No way!" Lauren (sang)shouted, dropping Dinah's bag beside the couch.

     "Yes way she was A-MAZ-ING!" Dinah tried to get on her friends nerves.

     After the shock of finding out that Dinah slept with their celebrity crush, Camila began divulging into all the stories about Y/n being the awesome keeper she is. "Why didn't you get her number? Ahh I would have met my hero if you guys started dating." Camila said in frustration. She wished Dinah didn't leave without getting Y/n's number.

     "She had to leave to go back to DC. If we're meant to be together we will meet again." Dinah said, making her way towards her bedroom.

     Dinah laid on her bed facing the ceiling trying to take in all the information Camila told her. She couldn't believe she slept with a soccer star. She googled Y/n to get to know more about her but as soon as she typed Y/n's name, tabloid headlines read 'Y/LN STILL SINGLE, Y/LN SEEN WITH YET ANOTHER WOMAN.' Dinah couldn't help herself but feel like another one of Y/n's conquest. An addition to Y/n's long list of one night stands.

     Dinah felt tears running down her cheeks. She had been on such a high and reality had finally caught up to her. Y/n made her feel special and Dinah new she was being genuine. She definitely didn't peg Y/n as a player. She just hoped she wasn't pregnant now even though she knew the chances were slim.

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