Chapter 1 Dream Girl

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Scott runs through the dark woods as he is being pursued by galloping as it echoed from behind. Lightning clattered across the sky as rain plummeted to the ground.

Scott turns his head to get a glimpse of his pursuers as they wearing armor as if knights from medieval times riding on horse back as they galloped after him.

Soon the ground from under him disappeared as he fell before he hit the ground as he found himself in a cave. He then walks through the caverns trying to find a way out as he finds a stone table as he walks to it, he sees a girl wearing a white dress as she sleeps in what seems to be a death like sleep. He also notices that she is shackled from the wrists and ankles.

The girl opens her eyes as they show to be more monstrous than human, but yet it does not affect her beauty.

"Silly boy, tis foolish to migrate into others dreams"

Scott steps back taken back by this as they girl falls back to sleep, then he hears something from behind, he turns around only to see an ax coming at him from an unknown entity that wears a dragon mask as he lets out a scream.

Scott jerks up out of his sleep as his eyes glowed crimson red he breaths as if he had been running just like in the dream. He turns to his bedroom window as the moon as big as it had ever seen before, but shines an eerie glow as if showing him a sign that something is about come out from behind the curtains.

Derek has returned from his mission as he stands by his car on his cellphone contemplating on calling or even leaving a voice message, until he soon makes up his mind.

"Cora, it's Derek, I'm back in Beckon Hills, heard it almost got destroyed by something called the Beast, Breaden filled me, but we need to talk something's coming. I need you back here, I've found something and I need you here." he warned hanging up the phone.

He ventures into his car, but just before he could bring the car to life a bloodied hand slams on his window, he looks up and sees the girl that appeared in Scotts dream standing there before falling backwards. He quickly gets out of his car and goes to the girl, who is fighting to stay awake.

"Hey what happened, are you okay? Derek sounding panic.

The girl loses consciousness and Derek looks at her wounds at her wrists before taking her into his arms and bringing her to his car.

Scott having a hard time getting back to sleep is at his desk sketching away the sketch of the girl he saw. He then puts it on his wall as other sketches of his dreams could be seen hanging on the wall each of which is about the girl as he had been plagued by these dreams for the passed six months just after starting his first year of college after the Ghost Riders.

Lighting flashes, he goes to look out his window and notices storm clouds rolling in before thunder clattered just like in his dream. He gets back in his bed and pulled the covers over him covering his ears.

The hospital was experiencing some problems with the electricity as everything began to go out before turning back on as the lights flickered. Melissa McCall let's out a sigh as she goes to the desk to take a clipboard.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get tired of these storms, just once I wish the weather man would be right? She joked.

"Girl I know the feeling." A nurse said.

Melissa smiled just before she was about to take her shift, but the mood soon turned.

The doors could be heard being busted opened as Melissa turns to see Derek with the girl cradled in his arms.

"I need some help here!" Derek shouted in concern.

Melissa stood there stunned dropping the clipboard, "Not again."

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