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 Arceus stared at the unliving Gothita and hesitantly gave one more bit of power to her. He had to save the rest.

Turning around, he stared at the other Legendaries. "Not even some tiny power to spare? She needs more power or else she cannot be powerful enough."

The room fell silent.

"W-well..." Creek spoke up. "I think I can spare some power... But I may faint. I've already given enough power, Arceus. We need a break."

"NO!" Arceus growled. "If this Gothita isn't completed then the future can't be complete!" Creek stared at him in awe, shaking. "I'm sorry, Creek..." he sighed at the Suicune, then staring at the other Legendaries.

"Please, if we don't, then the future may rip to shreds and... We can't risk that!" Arceus pleaded.

The room once again fell silent, and Arceus fumed.

"If none of you do, the world will be destroyed! Don't you care at all?" Arceus huffed.

"Yes, we do, Arceus, but we all need our leftover power..." Frost said in her calming voice. "The world will be destroyed, yes, but it will, too, if we're too weak to defeat any-"

"FROST! THIS POKEMON IS EVEN MORE IMPORTANT! WE NEED TO CREATE IT BEFORE EVERYTHING GOES TOO FAR INTO THE FUTURE!" Arceus shouted. All of the legendaries jumped, startled. Arceus was rarely angry, but never yelled at Frost before, nor' sounded this mad.

Firesaver would not let this attitude simply slide, though. "And you think that WE can simply pass on our power and still have enough power to protect others? Nuh-uh, it doesn't work that way, Arceus. You can't change that, though, because the stupid book of rules is lost!" the Entei barked.

Arceus flashed a glare at Firesaver.

Frost stopped Arceus from talking by making an announcement. "Stop! You mustn't argue! If you do, we'll never get this Gothita done! Please, just bear with me!" everybody nodded and a few sighs came from the legendaries.

"I'll do it." A voice said from the crowd.

Everybody looked around, confused, and then noticed the figure making way through the crowd with a black cloak.

"Who are you?" Arceus growled. "If you're one of the spirits, I'd appreciate it if you went away, this place is only for-"

"I am no stranger, almighty Arceus." the figure interrupted Arceus. "I am..." her hoodie slid off, revealing the face of a Zygarde as she stared at Arceus. "Zee the Zygarde."

Arceus hesitaited and then stepped aside. "Fine, do your work." He spoke.

"Thank you." Zee said and stepped up towards Gothita. Arceus went between the two, closing his eyes and preparing for the energy transfer.

"Are you ready, Zee?" He asked.

"Yes, Arceus." Zee replied calmly.

Arceus closed his eyes tighter and slowly purple, green and white magic flowed around each of them. They floated in the air. "Gothita, Zee and Arceus. Purple, Green and White. Powerful energy for Gothita, who will recieve prophecies and omens, while having much more power too. Once she is complete, the world will finally come into balance. And now, by the name of me, Arceus, I present to you..." he opened his eyes and they glowed white. "The energy transfer!" the power starting to go faster and faster each millisecond, second, minute! The whole room burst with white, and all the Legendaries shielded their eyes. When the room finally dimmed, Arceus, Zee and the Gothita were floating safely back down to the ground, the magic invisible now. Arceus finally felt like the magic was gone when they landed, and huffed. "That was even more intense than the other ones," he commented.

Suddenly, the Gothita started moving and groaning. Arceus let out a gasp to see that she was awake.

"Am I in Arceus's Heaven?" she asked intelligently.

Arceus let out a relieved sigh to see that she at least didn't flip when she saw where she was. She was so calm and intelligent, kinda like Frost. Arceus silently thanked Frost for sharing some of her power with this Gothita. "Yes, you are, and for a very important reason."

"And what is that, great Arceus?" the Gothita asked, getting up and staring from the stainless pure white bed.

"You have been created by us. We all shared our power and passed them to you for a very important reason, young Gothita." Wild said, the Celebi hovering safely.

"It's not every day that a bunch of Legendaries make a Pokemon as special as you." Earthquake added.

"You have been created to save the world and recieve Prophecies and Omens from us, also having the ability to pass on those Prophecies and Omens and create new ones. There are many more powers that you have, though, young one. Use them wisely and carefully learn how to use them, or you could destroy the world with them." Arceus explained, the Gothita nodding as if she understood.

"If you can't use them wisely," Void hesitaited to get the words out of his mouth. "then we may erase you from existance."

Arceus looked at Void. So it seemed like he forced them to really come off clean to this Gothita, then? He sighed. Fine. It'd be for the best, at least.

"Your powers are a wide variety, young one. To the point where you can decide and draw the future." Psychic said, seeming to have read Arceus's mind. "You must understand how the future is supposed to be."

"Yes, and you've passed that on to her, remember, Psychic?" Earthquake laughed, the Terrakion quieting down as he realised nobody else was laughing with him. He cleared his throat and his voice became more serious. "Yes, and if you make a wrong move for the future, then it may shatter it whole." he continued.

"I understand." the Gothita sighed.

"Now that thats over with, we need a name. We've already had a vote, and the most voted name was Teleport." Wild said.

Teleport nodded.

"Now it's time for your transfer to earth." Arceus sighed and everybody said bye to Teleport.

Arceus's eyes glowed, and Teleport slowly dissappeared. As she woke up, she saw trees around her and got up. So this was what earth looked like? It was very interesting. Interesting indeed. Little did she know, she was the true start to this world's community, it's spark, it's gut.

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