Chapter 2

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We currently see Ben, Gwen, Kevin, Bethany, Ship and Eunice flying back to earth in the Rust Bucket III. For the moment they were all at the plumber training Academy. Taiga has to get official training to actually earn her badge.

And little to say she passed with flying colors, sure she may have injured a couple of other cadets in the sparring matches. And there was the incident that she flipped the Magister over her shoulder in reflex, and when she went wild with a plumber ship during her piloting test and destroyed a rogue incurseon ship which was spying on the Academy.

Despite that though she managed to pass, "congratulations Taiga" Gwen said to the Palmtop tiger. The shorty in question smirked "thanks, but was there ever any doubt I wouldn't pass?" She asked. Ben, Gwen and Kevin all made awkward faces while sweatdropping.

They were sure the head commander there would instantly throw Taiga out of the Academy and into deep space. Thankfully with her stunt taking out that incurseon ship along with a blue skinned fourarms alien or tetramand trying to destroy the place and she kicked his butt had earned her the badge. And became a full fledged plumber, Ben and the others had gone a few months earlier to get their honorary badges before meeting her. Heck even the two kids Beth and Eunice managed to get plumber badges and became cadets and that was by accident.

"Ship!" Ship barked sitting on Beth's lap, "Yeah buddy, Taiga really told that Magister off" she replied. "He was asking for it, you never sneak up from behind someone" Aisaka retorted blushing. "Especially when said someone is short tempered, intolerant about height jokes and always carried around a wooden sword" Kevin joked.

As anyone could see coming, Taiga got mad and hit Kevin straight in the head for it. "Would you please stop that already?" He asked begrudgingly, "to be fair Kevin you were asking for it" Gwen giggled.

Ben then sighed "on the bright side, tomorrow is the last school day of the year" he said. "Oh yeah, Man it feels like a breeze since we got off spring break" Beth commented. "Ship" ship nodded, "what are we gonna do over the break is right ship" Eunice replied.

"Sissy... you understood ship?" Taiga asked her adopted sister, since they found the Unitrix Taiga has become rather attached to her. Once when she took the Prototype Omnitrix to the park and Cash and JT were about to get her the Palmtop tiger had decked both of them and threw them into a sewer line.

"Yes Big sister Taiga, i can understand all species" Eunice replied nodding, "that's obvious since she can mimic the powers of anyone she comes into contact with" Kevin said. They found that out when the class took a field trip to the zoo and they allowed Beth and Eunice along for the ride.

A cheetah went over to the edge of the gate where Eunice was and she touched it, making it purr. And after she ran from the bullies again only this time she was reaching Mach 3.

Earth was now in full sight "passengers we are now approaching earth, I ask that you please buckled up and return all weaponry back into their out of Kevin's danger position" the Osmosian joked again. Aisaka was ready to smack him again but reluctantly fastened her seat belt and held onto her Bokken.

"Aww Big sister is angry" Eunice cooed as Beth giggled, she just frowned some more. Once they got back to Earth Taiga and Eunice were over at Ben's house for dinner. Saundra found out about her finding out about Ben's secret and Eunice. Then invited her over, "so Taiga tell us, who're your friends back in Japan before you moved?" Saundra asked.

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