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"Mom I'm eighteen, I can move to L.A. if I want! It is so ridiculous that you think your drunk ass can stop me from pursuing my dreams." I ran my left hand through my hair, a habit I've had since my time making Music.lys.

I had always wanted to move to L.A. and get away from the small town life. No one cares about Vine kids anymore, fans stopped lining up to see me at VidCon. The stage is calling my name and I am not going to let anything or anyone stop me.

Wobbling in her weight, she put her hands on her hips. "Los Angeles is where all those good kids turn gay Jacob. I don't need you telling me anymore about how 'I'm gay and you need to deal with it' and 'I was born this way'. No son of mine was born gay, and no son of mine is going to make himself gay with all this show business crap! Now put the suitcase down and get me another drink."

My mother was the one who took my stupid habit of lip syncing to songs in the front seat into a part time career. She was the one who got me an agent, picked all my songs for videos, and choreographed them as well. But when the app wasn't popular anymore, she took all the money I made from tours, sponsors, and other videos and bought herself two liquid best friends: tequila and brandy. 

I smashed the bottle on the ground and wheeled my suitcase out the door. The woman who raised me was not the woman I left behind. The woman I left behind was an alcoholic destined to stay alone for the remainder of her pathetic life. At least, that's what I told myself.

Airport terminal C was bustling at the seams which always made me nervous. I hated small crowded spaces like no other. If time could just slow down, I would sit in the middle of the airport on the floor and admire all the people going past. I'd see a mother with her daughters trying to keep them all in line, a slew of well dressed business men, and twenty somethings try to pass as online models. But time didn't stop, it only moved faster.

Time circled and blurred around me like one of those tea cup attractions a small child makes you ride until you can't stand anymore. Time was an unfocused picture, then time was black.
"Can you see me little boy?" One of those business men waved his large hand in my face. I wanted to spook him and tell him something stupid like "seven" or "China town is three streets down" but I didn't. I mustered a weak "Uh huh" and rested my body back in his arms.
"I'm on his flight officer, I got this." The strange suit man told some other official looking woman. Soon enough I was on a plane, going to where I assumed was L.A..

I slept the whole flight in the man's arms. He was kind and kept pesky flight attendants away from me. I couldn't see much of him, but I hoped I would so I could thank him later. Occasionally the man would ask me questions but I wouldn't give him real answers, just simple "yep's", "yeah I know's", and "I don't know's". He took me into a car and fastened me in.

He told me something, but I wasn't paying him much attention. Tomorrow would be a new day where I could start my audition search. Tonight, all I wanted was sleep.


The little boy wasn't exactly the center of attention, at least until he fainted right in the middle of the terminal. No one did anything, they just stared like stupid sheep.

"Someone get me some water! Everyone else back up."

I wish I noticed him sooner, I could've caught him when he fell. He was a sleeping angel, but if I waited too long people would notice me staring. I waived my hand over his face.

"Can you see me little boy?" I asked, wincing at the pet name I didn't mean to say out loud. He pondered for it a bit in his head, as if he was deciding if he should tell me a smart aśs answer or not.

"Uh huh." He decided before resting his weight in my arms again.

I looked at his ticket that was conveniently in his hand. He was on my flight. An officer tried to help him up but I urged her away. I wasn't going to let my angel go so soon.

My angel slept on my lap the entire flight, occasionally stirring for ten minute bursts before I would put him back to sleep with my purposefully boring questions. "What are you going to do when you arrive?" I stroked his brown hair slowly.

"I don't know." He mumbled and placed his head back in my elbow.

While he was asleep, a bimbo flight attendant came over. She was wearing a shirt that must have been three sizes too small and four inch heels that were extremely impractical. "Uh, sir," she drawled out the last "r" in sir with a tone of thick disrespect "this passenger doesn't have a first class ticket so I have been told to escort him to coach."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, instead putting on a facade of being cool, calm, and collected. "Miss, he isn't disturbing me or anyone else in first class. I would be more than happy to pay for his ticket up here. But I don't think that will be necessary considering he's sharing my seat with me."

Biting her tongue, she nodded her head which shook her bleach blonde curls. I didn't see her or any other flight attendants for the remainder of the flight.

I carried him to my car once we landed, abandoning his suitcase at the airport. He wouldn't need it anytime soon. "Just for the night." I said, but I knew he wasn't listening to me. His eyelashes were fluttering rapidly as he tried to keep himself awake. Soon enough he was asleep.

Training would begin tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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