Chapter 2

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You woke up in a weird looking room, kind of like.... Inside a robot's guts kind of thing. You wondered if you were shrunken down by those imposters, you decided to get THE FUCK out of there. (LOGIC) Problem though, you were hand cuffed, but they were dumb enough not to cuff your legs at least. You took your bobby-pin out of your hair for emergencies like these, and picked the lock. Surprisingly it worked, and you went through the vent trying to find an exit. You kicked open another vent to the outside, where you immediately contacted your Rick. Rick modified your phone to the point where you could contact him from another dimension.

"W-W*BURP!* What?" Your Rick picked up.

"It's me R-Rick... (Y/n).... Um..." You stuttered, "I-I'm in another dimension.... C-Can you come g-get me...?"

"What? How th-.... Whatever, *BURP!* L-Listen to me, don't move alright?" Rick said. "Me and Morty'll Be There in a sec." And
you waited, you turned to see Morty's being tortured... You covered your eyes at the sight... You heard a click, and Evil Morty was there with his Rick.

"Trying to escape are we?" Evil Morty asked you. You knew he was a Morty, and every Morty has some kindness in them. And you had to distract them until your Rick and Morty pick you up.

"Y-You're a Morty... Right...?" You asked him, he rose a brow.

"Um, yes." Evil Morty replied.

"Then you're k-kind...." You said, Morty smiled.

"Really? You probably think I'm like your Morty, well guess what sweet pea? I'm not him." Evil Morty said Back.

"N-No, you're not like my M-Morty... But I know th-there's good in you somewhere..." You stuttered. "From what I've heard... E-Every Morty is s-somewhat kind... And you h-hide that kindness.... Listen, i-it's not an overnight thing... B-But I know you can b-be good!" Evil Rick and Morty looked at each other confused. Evil Morty's look softened a little... It was working! "Listen... Other R-Ricks told me that you never really had a-a family of your own... B-But maybe... I-I can help you th-through this..." You held your hand out to him. "I-I can convince Rick to l-let you s-stay at my house... We c-can be friends!"

"Friends...?" Evil Morty questioned. You nodded smiling.

"Yeah! F-Friends..." You responded. Evil Morty was about to take your hand, when a laser was shot next to him. Your Morty grabbed your arm and pulled you into the ship, Evil Morty picked up his gun and started shooting at your ship. Rick grabbed his portal gun and you went back to your dimension. After that... It was awkward, so you all just watched a movie. (WOW, after all that too.)

"Listen to me *BURP!* kiddo." Rick said as you went home, "Those Ricks and Mortys are only after u-u*BURP!* us. We'll be gone for awhile until we get this mess settled. Until th-then, I need you to do some chores."

"O-Oh... Sure!" You replied.

"Good, if you have trouble just summon a Meeseeks." Rick said Back, he gave you a list of things to do. "Don't do anything stupid."

"W-Well.... See you later (Y/n)..." Morty said patting you on the head. The next morning you went to the garage and entered the code, You looked at the list and started your chores. You summoned a Meeseeks because you couldn't fix this one gun....

"I'M MR. MEESEEKS! LOOK AT ME!" The Meeseeks shouted. It did its job and it just stopped existing, which was weird...

"How're your chores going?" You heard someone say, you saw Evil Morty... He was in a suit and tie, with his eye patch.

"H-How did you...?" Evil Morty interrupted.

"I've been here before, what makes you think I won't come back?" Evil Morty asked you, you stuttered for an answer. "Well whatever. You think I'm good huh? Such a innocent girl... You really don't know how the world is do you?" You nodded.

"The world's full of many m-mean people." You said, "W-Well... Universe... B-But I know th-they have some g-good in them..." Evil Morty crosses his arms and raised his brow, he walked over to some equipment and knocked it over. You cleaned it up without saying anything, and you got a Meeseeks to repair it. Evil Morty just annoyed you the entire time, trying to make you lose your temper... But you weren't an angry person... So you always smiled at him... He wondered why... Why were you so calm around him...? He kidnapped you, hurt your friends, and now you were smiling at him...? This wasn't normal for him.... No one's ever smiled at him but his own kind.... What was it with you...?

To be le continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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