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Y/N's P.O.V....

This place is so green..I looked around...

"What is this place?", I asked at myself and looked up. 

To be honest I've never seen this beautiful sunlight before and the trees...they are protecting me from the sunlight. Sun-setting and the smell of nature...I feel so relaxed for a second.

"It's so beautiful but scary at the same time",

I talked to myself while kept walking.

"How I get here? *sighs, looks around again* I should leave but how?",

The forest is really so attractive but only in day. After sunset it looks kinda horrific. 

"I can't find the way to get out from here ....What should I do now?", I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly something passed behind me. I flinched and stopped moving. I gasped and my heart beating louder. I looked behind. 

"H-Heloo? I-Is anyone here?!", I raised my voice a bit. 

No respond only my echo reflecting back. I gasped then looks front, continued walking. While walking I felt like someone is following or watching me.

"It's a forest...I bet no would come here at this hour! Stop thinking nonsense!",

"Wait...If peoples are rare to come here, then what the hell am I doing here?! How the hell I came here?!",

I frown and thinking while walking. About to make another step but stopped and froze when someone placed hand on my shoulder. My heart beat racing and sweating and my eyes were moving left to right, right to left because of fear. I'm hell afraid to look back but I need help, so I  closed my eyes, breath out and quickly turned back to look who was that but I was shocked. 


I find no one. I placed my hand on my chest feeling my heart beats, it's beating like a drum.

"I-I-Is anyone here?!...Please, stop playing! I really need your help...Help me to get out of here...please....",

I pleaded.

"A-Are you listening to me?! H-Hello?!",

I spoke again in little cracked voice because of fear. No respond.

"Then who's hand was that?", I blinked in confuse then turns around.



I yelped and fell down when I saw a figure standing in front of me. 

My butt hurts. I hissed in pain then looks up at the person, who lend his/her hand to me. I kept stared at the person's hand. I closed and opened my eyes when felt some bright flash. I couldn't see that person's face clearly because of the flash. I literally takes that person's hand, hold it then sits up to see his/her face....


I frown.


Someone yelled and I opened my eyes. I pants, gets up and looked around then at the person who woke me up. 



I asked at my roommate, Soo, in blank. She's holding a pillow and standing in front of me. She huffed.

Stay With Me (KTH X Reader X PJM)✔️Reword Version 2023Where stories live. Discover now