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"So when is the honeymoon?",

Soo hissed when I pinched her arm. She loves to make me embarrass. I smiled and shook my head. My smile literally faded away when Kai's face crossed my mind. I decided to meet Kai, so I lied that i'm going to meet Jimin to Soo but it didn't work. She didn't let me go out.


The next day, I woke up earlier. I noticed Soo still sleeping, so without making any sound I grabbed my jacket and went out. No one can stop me today, with that thought I leave the place but-

"...what are you doing here so early in the morning?",

Jimin caught me but I lied to him. Soo must have informed him of where I was going, otherwise how would he have known I was here? I felt annoyed because I can't meet Kai.

"If you're angry with me, scold me or hit me but don't be silent.",

I try to stay mad but when he said he was worried about me I can't. I smiled. I still feel guilt for stealing his ring but when he said it was extra not his father's one, I felt relief.

"..can one bite turn a person into a vampire?",

I just want to clear my doubt. This one question keep running through my head. I have seen in movies and series, human become a vampire after they got bit and drunk vampires blood but in my case, it's different. I become a vampire only with one bite. Taehyung didn't give me his blood or I drink any vampires blood. Then how? .... and Jimin's answer cleared my doubt.


"What's wrong, babe? Tell me, please.",

"Nothing. I'm just thinking about how we're gonna tell our parents about y-you.",

True. I'm happy about my current life but at the same time, I'm scared to say to my parents about who am I or who we are.


"..Look. I'm also wondering how to tell them but there is always a way. We should wait for the right time to tell them.",

I still feel afraid. He pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back. I just hope everything will be fine.


Vampire should sleep during day but because of exam i studied too much, day and night. Pushing myself too much, it makes me tired, that's why I fall asleep quickly but still i can hear every conversation going on in the car.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I swear on my life, I'll protect you until the day I die",

I heard him and that's why opened my eyes but I lied and change the topic.

"Are we arrived?",


"You look kinda tired.",

"I studied whole night before exam....but now I'm totally fine.",

"Glad to hear that.",

Jimin smiled at me then give a look at Taehyung. He then walk with the rest, leaving me with Taehyung. I kept looked at him.

'You say a word to her and I will kill you, Tae'

I heard him and I wonder what they're hiding from me.

"Is he alright?",

"I think so",

Stay With Me (KTH X Reader X PJM)✔️Reword Version 2023Where stories live. Discover now