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Denise walked up to the door of my Father's apartment and waited for him to open the door for her. He was taking long and she became already irritated because it was cold and she had on their slutty work outfit.

"Who is it?"His voice boomed through the intercom.

About damn time. She mentally rolled her eyes and leaned against the door panel. "It's Denise."She popped her gum and rolled her eyes.

My dad quickly opened the door with a wide Joker smile. "Hi Denise, how are you?"

"I'm cool. Monique ready? We gotta goto work."Denise crossed her arms over her chest. He was making her uncomfortable, she didn't like the way he looked at her.

"She's in the shower. Come on in."He continued smiling and widened the door so that she could walk through.

He stared at her ass and licked his lips as she walked through the door. "You thirsty? You want something drink?"He closed the door and continued to stare at her.

"Nah I'm good."She stood against the wall and scrolled through her phone. She didn't want to sit down, she wasn't comfortable.

Denise could feel his eyes piercing her skin and watching her every move as if he was undressing her with his eyes. She walked towards the bathroom door and knocked. "Mo, you almost ready?"She spoke through the door.

"Not yet. I just got in. Give me a few minutes."I yelled back and she sighed "I think I'll just meet you at the restaurant. We still meeting at the restaurant right?"She replied nervously.

"Yeah, we are. You that hungry sis? You can't wait?"I chuckled.

"You know me."Denise chuckled nervously. It wasn't that loud confident laughter that I was used to. If I knew then what I knew now I would have just let her go when she asked.

"I'm not ready to be walking around by myself yet."I sighed. "Wait for me, please? I won't be long."She sighed.

Denise crossed her arms over her chest and stood against the wall right across from my bathroom. She wasn't comfortable going back in the living room, but my dad had already met her in the hallway.

She looked up from her phone and he was staring in her face with just a robe on. He had money in his hand and showed it to her. "You want this?"He asked fanning himself with the money.

"No sir. I'm good. I have my own money."Denise respectfully declined. She still had all of "hush money" she was given to leave Houston. With that alone she could've done a lot, but she wanted to save it.

"I wasn't really asking you."My father gave an evil laugh and grabbed Denise's arm. "Fuck is you doing bro? Let me go."She tried to snatch away from him, he was holding her arm like he wanted to pull it off.

"Come on now, you know you've done this before. You don't just walk around oozing sex appeal just because."He grabbed both her arms and pinned them to the wall. Her phone fell straight on the screen and she prayed it didn't crack.

"Get off of me."Denise kept trying to fight and pull away from him.

He released one of her hands and tried to go in her shorts, but she pulled her handy blade out of her bra and aimed it at his face. Surprisingly, I couldn't hear them wrestling from the bathroom.

Denise tried slice his face but he grabbed her making her slice the side of his thumb instead. She pushed her blade into his hand snatched it out making him back up from her.

"You little bitch."He covered his bleeding hand and started to chase her. Denise quickly grabbed her phone and ran out of the door making it slam.

Hearing the door slam shook me, so I hurriedly climbed out of the shower and put on my clothes. I walked to see little drops of blood leading all the way to living room.

"Dad?"I called, getting no answer. I walked into the living and saw him in the kitchen running water over his hand.

"That little Bitch is not welcome in this house. Don't bring her back here, I mean it."He applied pressure to his bleeding wound.

I had no idea what happened, I was so confused.

"What happened?"I asked.

"She tried to rob me and when I didn't give her the money, she tried to slice my face but I blocked it."He lied, trying to stop his bleeding.

"Denise wouldn't do that. She has money."I rolled her eyes.

"How well do you know her, Monique? I mean she seems a bit touched if you know what I mean. It was like a switch went off. I thought she'd kill me."He clutched his chest as if he was really scared.

"Well, What did you do to her? Denise will only get that way if she's provoked. She's a sweetheart."I replied, still not believing a word that my father had to say.

"You more worried bout that Bitch than your own father? I made you."He yelled and started walking towards me. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the door.

I reached my phone out of the bag and I have 25 missed calls from Denise and 10 texts.

She had told me that she was at the McDonald's behind our apartments waiting for me. I knew my dad was lying about what happened with Denise because she texted me a whole 45 minutes before saying "Hurry! Your dad is being weird."

I met her at the McDonald's where she sat at a table sipping from a large cup and had an empty one sitting across from her.

"You alright?"I asked, joining her at the table. "I'm sorry I took so long. My phone was in my room."

"I'm okay. I'm sorry for stabbing your dad. When he grabbed me like that I just went crazy. He tried to have sex with me."Denise sighed and continued sipping her drink.

"It's fine. I believe you, I know you wouldn't almost cut his thumb off for no reason."I chuckled and grabbed the cup. "Is this for me?"

"You know It is."Denise laughed and got up from the table. "Come on. We have to get going."She pulled her shorts down because they were rising up.

I filled my cup with Powerade and we continued walking to work like nothing happened.

"You know what I was thinking?"I grabbed her hand as we skipped down the sidewalk.

"What?"Denise answered me.

"We should get our own place. That way we wouldn't have to come get each other for work. Or take the subway to see each other. We'd just already be there. I mean with the money I have saved and what you have, we should be able to get something nice."

"You know what, I agree with that. We should go apartment hunting."Denise smiled.

Boy were we wrong. Apartment hunting up north was much different from getting a place in the shout and Denise and I were going to learn the hard way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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