Frozen Soul

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Hi, everybody! First things first: thank you all so much for clicking on my story!! It means so much to me!! I noticed that there weren’t many Soul Eater x Frozen fanfics out there, so I was inspired to write this! The reason that Kid finds Elsa and Anna is because I thought that his symmetry obsession might kick in... Strangely! Also, I just love Kid!! XD Anyways, it hurts to write this, but I don’t own Soul Eater OR Frozen. If I did, I’d totally be rich!! So, please, if you like it, comment! And, if you don’t, could you please comment anyway? That way, I’ll be able to improve! To quote the wise words of Black*Star, YAHOO!!

Right, here goes!:

A heated argument was taking place deep within the halls of Arendelle’s palace.

“I thought that the castle doors would stay open, Elsa! You said that you’d never lock them again! You PROMISED! Why? Why-“

“Anna, you just don’t underst-“

“Oh, I understand perfectly well,” announced Anna, narrowing her aqua eyes. “You just want to shut yourself off from the world again after what happened to Kristoff, and Sven!” The red-head hesitated, her agitated pacing faltering for a second. “What did happen to Kristoff? Where did he go?”

Elsa fiddled with her thick plait. “I don’t know, Anna! I just got so excited when I heard about the wedding... and I lost control... and he disappeared!”

Anna shook her head with vigour, swinging her twin braids around. “Elsa, please, leave the gates open! I know that you have problems, but we can work them out together!” She begged, shooting her older sister a puppy dog look.

Silence. A cold breeze filled the empty space where only a week ago, there had been hustle and bustle and laughter.

“Elsa? Please?” For me?”

Elsa shook her head. “N- No, Anna. I just can’t. Not... Not until we find Kristoff!”

Anna exhaled noisily, before plonking herself on the ice-blue sofa next to her older sister. The two sat there for a while, sharing words without speaking, arguing without moving, before Anna sat up.

“That’s it. We’re going after him.”

“But I don’t know how!”

Anna smirked slightly. “You said that once. Remember? But you did know how! All that I have to do is get you excited!”

The Queen of Arendelle rolled her pale azure eyes. “And how’ll you do that?”

Anna creased her pretty forehead in thought before dropping down on all fours and attempting to lick her sister.

ANNA! No! Bad doggie!” joked Elsa, and then it was her turn to frown. “No. It isn’t working.”

The princess groaned. “Okay, how about you just concentrate?” Noticing her elder sibling’s doubt, she smiled encouragingly. “I mean, really, really try!” 

“Um... Okay?” The queen of Arendelle couldn’t hold back a grin as her little sister bombarded her with suggestions. Shutting her eyelids, she attempted to cut out the rest of the world as she recalled the feeling of elation that she had experienced when Anna and Kristoff had announced that they were engaged. Soon, she could feel it flooding her veins, pulsing through her body.

A flurry of snowflakes erupted from Elsa’s outstretched fingers. Anna could hardly dare to breathe.

“Is... Is it working?”

No answer. In fact, the only response from Elsa was a hand; one of her slender fingers beckoned slightly at the princess of Arendelle. Anna glanced at her elder sister’s face – the pale blonde woman had her eyes closed and brow furrowed in concentration – before making her mind up on the spur of the moment and lacing her stubby digits through her sister’s long, willowy ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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