Broken Heart

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"So its almost 2018," Shawn sighs, smiling at me through the screen.
"Yeah, it is," I murmur quietly, thinking about my relationship.
"He hasn't texted you back yet has he?" Shawn asks, a sympathetic look on his face.
"No, he hasnt. And I'm getting sick of the constant 'i have to work ' bullshit. For fucks sake he works at Jimmy Johns," I grumble, looking at Shawn through the screen before punching my fist into the metal table and wincing.
"Woah, calm down! Do you want me to come to Nebraska and visit?" He says, a concerned look in his face.
"What's the point? You'll get pulled away for a meeting last second or get called to finish something on the new album," I whisper, my hands cupping my face is distress.
"Chin up buttercup, Christmas is in 48 hours. Be happy!" He says, trying to lift my spirits.
"I'd be a lot happier if i knew what the fuck he wanted," I grumble.
"He's not coming over for Christmas is he?" He says, a sad look on his face.
I look at him, tears streaming down my face.
"No, he isn't. And i guarantee he won't for New Years Eve either," I say, my voice cracking.
"Oh hun," He whispers, pain flickering across his face momentarily.
"I-I have to go.. gotta get to sleep you know," I murmur, wiping the tears off my cheeks.
"Okay Princess, just text me if you need to talk," He says quietly, concern written all over his face.
"I will Mendes," I smile faintly, before hanging up.
I pull the covers over myself, and cry a little, my puppy curling into my side because she knew I was hurting.
"How did this happen?" I whisper brokenly to myself, "why does everything go wrong?"

(12 hours later)
"You okay hun?" Mom asks, rubbing my shoulders a little.
"Not really, but it's whatever," I mumble, taking a gulp of coffee.
"We'll talk about it later when i get home from work okay?" She asks, hugging me.
"Yeah, okay," I whisper, my heart slowly turning to dust.
She leaves, and i let out a breath i hadn't realized i was holding.
I pick up my phone and see that he finally texted me.
J- I'm sorry, i have to work today, tomorrow and New Year's Eve..

I burst out crying, my heart breaking into a million pieces.
Me- Do you love me?
I hit send then text Shawn what happened before curling into a ball on the floor trying not to fall apart.

(3 hours later)
J- No.

With the last bit of will i have i send my final text.
Me- Goodbye, have a nice life...
I start sobbing, craddling myself on the floor.
The doorbell goes off and I moan, not even bothering to get up, because i no longer cared. Eventually i hear a knock on the door which made me a little curious but i was still crying so i wasn't about to get up.
"Lexi?" A male voice says, the door opening slightly.
I see Shawn seconds later and i can barely move to even say hi. He sees me on the ground sobbing and drops to the floor, picking me up and holding me to him while i cry my eyes out.
"Oh princess," he whispers brokenly, "everything is gonna be okay."
(7 hours later)
I wake up in my bed, gasping.
"It had to be a dream," I whisper, "there's no way Shawn was in my apartment."
"Oh you're awake," a voice at the door says.
I gape. Definitely not a dream.
"Hey," i say dejectedly.
He sits on the bed and hugs me, rubbing my back gently.
"Im here for you Princess," He whispers, "always."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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