Chapter One

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~In which they gather the pieces~

Jongdae hides the cardboard box behind his back as he enters the dorm room he shares with an older student called Kim Minseok. He barely knows anything about his roommate despite them sharing this room for over half a year already they don't often talk. However, Jongdae knows that Minseok is in his fourth semester, he studies music just like Jongdae and he seems to like puzzles. At least Jongdae often sees Minseok hunched over at his desk, working on some puzzle late at night. Also, today, the 26th of March, is Minseok's birthday. Jongdae didn't really plan on getting him a present but he pretty much stumbled over that cheap puzzle on a flea market a couple of days ago and it kind of felt like a sign. So he bought it without thinking twice.

That puzzle is now hidden behind Jongdae's back as he approaches Minseok who is sitting on his bed and reading a book. Jongdae purposely tiptoes to make sure Minseok will really be surprised. So far it doesn't look like he noticed him.

"Happy Birthday!", Jongdae shouts and Minseok almost falls off his bed. Jongdae practically shoves the box in his face before Minseok even has a chance to understand what is going on. Jongdae didn't even bother wrapping the present and the box clearly shows some signs of use already. Well, it is second hand after all, but the lady that sold it to him said the puzzle was still alright.

"I know the box already looks a bit beaten up, but I swear the puzzle is complete and in good condition", Jongdae assures Minseok who is still staring at the box, his mouth slightly opened and overall looking pretty much perplexed. But then he reaches out both hands to take the box from Jongdae.

"Thank you", Minseok mumbles. He still sounds somewhat surprised but definitely happy. Jongdae watches his roommate take the box from his hands, a proud smile spreads on his face while Minseok inspects the print on the lid of the cardboard box containing the puzzle. Minseok marvels at the scene, a jungle filled with different animals that pop their heads out between big green leaves and colourful flowers. When Jongdae first saw the picture he thought it was really cool and to his great joy, Minseok seems to like it as well. But then Minseok notices something that makes him raise his eyebrows and look up at Jongdae with a confused expression on his face.

"Isn't this puzzle kind of... big?", he carefully asks. Jongdae raises his eyebrows and takes the box back out of Minseok's hand to find out what Minseok might have noticed about it.

"I thought you do ones with thousand pieces all the time?", Jongdae asks back, after inspecting the box for some time. He really can't find anything wrong with it.

"I think you missed a zero there", Minseok explains with a slight chuckle in his voice while pointing to the last digit on the carton telling the number of puzzle pieces. Jongdae stares at it intensely for a second and counts the zeros. Again and again. There are four of them, he is sure that there had only been three when he bought the puzzle. Jongdae sighs then he slaps one hand against his own forehead, the other hand is still holding the puzzle.

"Fuck you're right!", he exclaims. He could really kick himself in the butt for this. "I'm sorry, I got it on a flea market so I don't think I can just return it."

Jongdae looks down at the box in his hands with another heavy sight. He really wanted to give Minseok something he would enjoy, because despite them never really talking he is really fond of the older. Minseok is easy to be around, he is usually just quietly doing his work, he never asks questions when Jongdae returns to their room at some ungodly hour but he wakes him up in time the next day. Minseok also makes sure their room stays neat and he always helps Jongdae with any questions. Jongdae spent most of his first week here asking Minseok for directions and Minseok never got impatient with him or told him to just ask someone else. Something Jongdae is really grateful for and he wanted to show at least a bit of that gratitude. But of course he had to mess this up somehow.

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