Chapter 28

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Months have gone by, I've lived life normally. I've been on dates with men. It's changed a lot. They seem immature. Very hard headed. So, I stopped trying that. I upgraded my job from the coffee shop to a office. Working on numbers for big time companies. Carrie moved out once she met her new boyfriend. I was by myself once again. I came home and did whatever. Days were okay. But nights seemed to be the worst. Up thinking and just wishing. I was better off sleeping. Then I'd dream of him. I haven't seen or heard from him in almost a year. I couldn't stand it. Seeing him leave for the last time, I wanted to tell him so badly. But he wouldn't let me. I've forgotten how to get to his bedroom. No doubt he did it. All the times we shared and he's not once thinking about me. Our connection seemed not as strong or just gone. I wanted to see him again so badly. Did he even miss me as much as I did? Once I turned the lights off, I laid in bed. I concentrated on that room, praying that I'd get there. I couldn't live not finishing what I had to tell him. The silk red sheets. The rocky walls. The balcony where you could see all of hell. The big brass door. Thought of all the times I ended up there. How much it filled my heart with either fear or a sense of security. I opened my eyes. Believe it or not. It worked.

I was in his room. I quickly stood up. I was gazing around. Nothing changed. I was super excited to be here. But if he found me, he'd send me back. I had a feeling he would. He wasn't here but probably was going to come back soon. Was he going to be the same or look different? The door squeaked open. I ran and hid under the bed. Eurynomus came in with blood on his shirt. He quickly tossed it to the ground. I could smell the fresh blood. I covered my mouth. Its sick but it is food to him. He growled. His footsteps came over to the bed. Did he find me already? Quietly waiting. He laid on the bed and sighed deeply. The bed moved a little. Then it got quiet. I waited for what seemed like hours. He was asleep. I got up and stared at him. He was peaceful sleeping. I couldn't believe he was here. My own eyes couldn't believe I was seeing him again. I crawled into bed with him. I touched his chest softly. He didn't even move. I grabbed his arms and laid it across my body. I closed my eyes. I missed this. Just being held securely by him. My mind flashed back when we were in bed together naked. How he held my body so close. It turned him on. I was broken from my thoughts when my body was yanked into his. My eyes shot open. He was wide awake, smirking at me. My heart was beating fast. I wanted to melt away. His hands were groping my ass. Breathed in deeply. "I smelled your scent. I knew you were here." He kissed my cheek. "How did you get here?" His eyes scanned my body.

I snuggled into him. "You know how I got here." His lips touched my forehead. He moaned softly. I was turning him on just by laying next to him. I wanted this. Just me and him. I could feel a sudden motion come over him. Like he blocked me completely.

"You can't stay Bella." He sat up. Oh no. He was going to listen.

I jumped up. "I love you." I said loud enough for him to hear me. He flinched and looked away. "I know." He looked back at me. "Because I love you too." He has feelings like a human! I smiled at him. He pulled me into his lap. "I left to keep you safe. You came back to tell me what I didn't want to hear." He sighed deeply. "I told you the truth. Now you have to leave." I shoved him down. He laid there on the bed motionless. I thought I grabbed his attention by doing so. "You really think I'm going to leave now?"

His hands grasped my waist. "No. But-"

I kissed him. "But nothing. Just come back with me. It's not the same without you in my life. There hasn't been a moment where I've never thought about you. You've changed my life. You can't just expect me to leave and forget."

He pulled me into his chest. His fingers ran through my hair. "No Bella, I don't. I've missed you as well. I've wanted to see you so many times. I came a few times and watched you sleep. I wanted you to wake up. But you never did. I care so much. I hate myself. I'm betraying everything I know and believe in. I'm betraying my father."

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