Wilbur's Powers and Skills

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Wilbur Robinson is quick on his feet, an electric type and a headache to bad guys when it comes to puns and jokes. Wilbur's powers are mostly Electricity based.

Electricity Manipulation: Able to manipulate electricity and stuns bad guys.

Electricity Absorption: Able to suck up any electrical source and into his body.

Electric Shield Construction: Able to manipulate electricity into giant electric ball around him.

Electric Generation: Able turn his turn his body electrical proof.

Shockwave: Fast reflexes and the ability a beam of light.

Wilbur never runs out of Electrical energy, He is own personal battery no need to recharge. Wilbur is lightning quick and quick reflexes.

Enhanced Speed: Can travel fast, Quick as lightning.

Wilbur is fast, But not only is he fast, He knows a lot about Time Travel. He can use time for his advantage.

Time Manipulation: Wilbur can slow down time and everyone will slow down, But him.

Wilbur can't be affected by time attacks or time bomb. Because His Anti-Time Belt. Though he's quick, Batteries has limits.


Hypersonic Weaponry: Can paralyze Wilbur and he won't be able to move or fight, Powers will be drain.

Wilbur is amazing, fast and have a good sense of humor.

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