three; hello, little one

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Octavia spent that night in Kol's apartment. There wasn't a bed or even bedroom, only the fluffy couch they'd been sitting on all night and he insisted that she take the couch. He found her some extra blankets and draped them over her.

She smiled at him as he settled in on the floor right in front of the couch and only felt a little silly when she asked if he'd hold her hand because she wanted to be sure he was there so she didn't feel so alone. He agreed with a chuckle and wrapped his long fingers around hers.


When Octavia woke up the next morning, she wasn't entirely sure where she was for just a moment. Then, she looked down and saw Kol's hand still firmly wrapped around hers and everything from the day before came flooding back.

She lay there for a long time, staring at the ceiling and waiting for Kol to wake up. She knew she had to go see Nik and Elijah, and before that moment she hadn't been scared to at all. But suddenly, she was terrified.

Kol woke up a while later and seemed almost surprised that she was still there.

"I was pretty sure I'd dreamed you being stupid enough to come back to New Orleans."

He smiled his biggest and goofiest smile and kissed her forehead.

"Nope, all real. As well as the whole 'me dying' thing."

She'd meant the words as a joke but as she looked at Kol's face she quickly realized that he didn't find it funny.

"You're not dying. I'm going to get changed and then we'll go see the goon squad."

He kissed her forehead again and disappeared into the small bathroom.


An hour later they were walking through the courtyard of the Mikaelson compound and already memories that Octavia had all but completely forgotten about were rushing through her head. Everywhere she looked, she saw something that had happened all those years ago; from Elijah kissing her for the first time under the arch in the garden, to Niklaus telling her he loved her with her body pressed up against the banister upstairs. She was awed at how well the compound had been kept up over the years. The plants and vines were overgrown and reached out much further than they had before, but everything else seemed to be exactly the same.

A moment later, Octavia could smell Niklaus' anger before she saw him. She gave Kol a look and nodded behind them. They both turned and sure enough, there he was. His wavy blonde hair was wild and long and looked like it hadn't been brushed in a few days and stubble covered the lower half of his face. His clothes were wrinkly and unwashed, and he was overall pretty disheveled. But as she looked at him closer, she could see his bright blue-green eyes sparkling at them with what she knew was rage.


Klaus said her name slowly, pulling every letter sound out of himself like he was chewing gravel.

"Hello, Niklaus."

Her voice was much more timid than she would have preferred and she instinctively moved just slightly closer to Kol.

Suddenly, another smell filled her nose; one of a strong and woodsy cologne. She had to hold back the urge to smirk. Elijah had always liked to wear cologne because he foolishly thought it would mask his scent to werewolves and others that he didn't want to find him. It didn't work, of course, and he knew it. The scent of a vampire couldn't be masked by anything other than magic, especially to a werewolf or, in her case, a hybrid. She wasn't sure why he always still wore it anyway, but it made her happy either way.

Elijah walked up behind Klaus and came to a stop right beside him.

"Brother. Octavia."

The way that Elijah sounded out her name was so different than the way Klaus had that she almost had the urge to run and hug him. Where Klaus had said her name like it was that of a disease, Elijah had said it like it was the name of his favorite flower.


She said his name quietly and his dark eyes studied her intently. It was obvious that he knew at once that something was wrong.

"What's happening to you?"

Elijah asked her the question and her eyes darted to Klaus. He was still staring at her like he was deciding whether or not he wanted to kill her right there.

"Hear her out. Please."

Kol's words made Klaus finally avert his gaze, and then he disappeared from them altogether. Octavia heard him slam a door upstairs and moved to Elijah. She was in his arms before he could blink and he held her tightly.

"Hello, little one."

He whispered the words into her hair, using the nickname that she'd always protested but secretly loved. Even seventy-five years later, everything about him was the same. He was still so warm and welcoming and wonderful and it overwhelmed her. Tears rose to her eyes and fell, setting a record for the most she'd cried within a few days in a very long time.

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