I want to plant a seed so that something beautiful will grow
it may take days or months or years,
but sometime down the road I'll look back
and pause
and smile
I made that; that's mine; that's me
and then I'll be able to say
I am worthwhile; I'm not a waste
and it won't sound like a lie.
I want to plant a seed so that something beautiful will grow
it may take years or decades or centuries,
but one day when I'm gone someone else will find it
and stop
and realize
someone made this for them, for me, for us
and they'll be able to say
I am heard; I'm not alone
and it won't sound like a lie.
I want to plant a seed so that something beautiful will grow
I don't care how long it takes
I don't care what takes root
but even with hundreds of seeds in my palm
and fresh tilled soil under my feet,
I'm paralyzed and I think
It's worthwhile
It's not a waste
It will be heard
It won't be alone
and all I hear is lies.