Chapter 1: Meeting Him

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Song: A thousand years by christina perry

The bell has finally rang. This class feels like I have been here for forever! My teacher is so boring! Its twelve  forty five and i want to get home. One more class to go then I can drive home.

                                                          • • • •

My dad should be sending me a letter in the mail because he bailed on me again for the third month in a row. Trying to apologize for not being able to hangout with me this weekend because he is really busy with work and his new family (they just a a baby girl a couple months ago). I am his daughter too. All I get in return is never seeing him and getting 200 dollars in the mail each month... what a great relationship we have, wouldn't you say.

My mother on the other hand is very sweet and always wants to be there in your time of need. She tries to help me with everything from shoes to advanced math. I am in 12th grade and I need my time alone so I can figure out who I am and what I want to become. I can't do that with her up my butt all the time.

"Karen.... Karen," my mother yells from the bottom of the steps." We need to get going, remember the party we are going to?"

"Ugh...," I reply a little pissed off, " Yeah can you give me 20 minutes?"

" Yes but be quick we have to be there in 45 minutes and it takes us about 20 or 25 minutes, ok."

" Yeah I just have to do my hair and makeup and stuff"

                                                      • • • •

Once again my mother has left me right after she promised she wouldn't leave me. She always says she won't leave me then right as we walk through the door of the party she is gone. At all these parties I have no one I want to talk to. I walk around and have an awkward conversation with people that are about 20 years older than me and I don't even knew. They all say the same thing. They all say how pretty I am and how much I look like my mother, when I really look like my dad.

I am on my way over to the bathroom when someone calls my name. I turn around and again they call my name.


"Yes..." I say. This person who is calling me is rather handsome and looks about my age.

"I'm Justin," he says with a cute smile playing on his lips. "Justin Williams. "

"Hi, um.. nice to meet you. I'm Karen Gar-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Justin cut me off.

"I know who you are." Justin says.

"How? Have you met my mother?" I say with a confused look.

" We go to the same school and have 3 classes together."

"Oh, I don't really pay attention to all the other people in my classes. I'm  sorry I didn't know who you were."

"That's alright." he says with a smile.

We stand there for a second smiling.

"You look beautiful right now"

I feel the heat running up my neck to my face and i say.

"Thank you if i knew i was going to meet a handsome guy i would have dressed better for this occasion."

He just smiles at me.

"Do you wanna go to the movies with me tomorrow?"

" As long as its a good movie then, yes."

"Alright then, I'll pick you up at eight o'clock."

"Sounds good." I say with a smile.

"You wanna go sit out back and talk? There is really no one else in here i want to talk to."

"Yeah and all these other people are old and boring."

                                                   • • • •

My mom comes outside after a couple of hours and tells me that she wants to leave in five minutes and to meet her by the car. I say okay, but i don't really want to leave i like talking to Justin. We have so much in common and he is really sweet and very cute.

The five minutes are up so much sooner than i want them to be.

"Well, i guess this is goodnight." I say with a sigh.

" Yes i guess it is," He replies with a sad but happy smile."At least I'll see you tomorrow night!"

"Yes thats true and suprise me with the movie any kind of movie as long as you think it will be good."

"Okay, see you at eight o'clock."

Then he hugs me and i hug him like I've never hugged before. We say goodnight then as I'm walking away i turn around and see him smile that sexy smiled and he winks at me with a twinkle in his eye. I smile back and wave. Before i know it I'm back at my car. My mother is staring at me and i feel the blush crawl up my cheeks. As I am pulling out of the drive way i look at my mom from the corner of my eye and I see her watching me and smiling.

I turn and look at her and say "What is there something on my face?" she just laughs.

Then she looks at me and says "No, you just look so happy! When I saw you with that boy your smile just lite up the room with him next to you. So, do you like him?" She laughs again at the face i make and how red my face turns when she asks this.

"No, yes, kinda... We are going to the movies together at eight if thats okay."

"Yes you can go,but first... tell me everything that happened."

I start to blush again, so she starts to laugh again. Then I tell her everything that happened. She asks me a lot of questions and some of them are really hard to answer. After 45 minutes we call it a night and go to bed.

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