Chapter 2: Date Night

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Song: TGIF vy Katy Perry

When I woke up I remember what I was dreaming about and smile. It was about Justin, we were at the movies and he slowly puts his arm around me and leans over and kisses me on my lips. I hope that dream comes true! i need to shower and finish all my homework and get ready. Its already 12 o'clock! I need to hurry up.

• • • •

As 7:30 is coming around I still haven't pick what i should wear. Should i wear skinny jeans with a cute navy blue tank top and a blue and white stripped cardigan and black ballet flats or a micromini with a white blouse and red open toed heels? I can't decide what to wear I got it down to these two choses, but I can't decide... I like them both some much on me. I think I'll wear the micromini with the white blouse and red open toed heels.

I already did my hair I curled it and used a bit of hair spray. I am wearing make up, but not too much I used a little bit of liquid eyeliner on my top eye lid to make a blue eyes pop and a little mascara and a dab of light pink lip gloss. I don't want to look to over done for this occasion. When I walk down my steps to the foyer Justin is already here and is standing with my mom. His mouth drops open when he sees me and when I get to the bottom of the steps he says wow you look beautiful and i can't help but to blush and my mom starts to laugh but then she sees my face and stops.

As we are on our way to the movies we talk about random things and tell little corney jokes and by the time we get to the movies we have an inside joke between us.

" So what kind of movie do you want to see?" Justin asks.

"How about a horror movie or a comedy. You choose and we will go from there." I say with a little hesitation becuase i don't really like horror movies. I only said that so if he does pick a horror movie then i will be closer to him, I really want to see a comedy tho.

"Alright, Lets watch a horror movie becuase none of the comedies here are good becuase I've already seen them. Unless you would rather watch one of then comedies, then we can." Justin says with a a little smile poping on his face.

"No, lets watch a horror movie," I say that with a twinkle in my eye. "Lets watch Red Light. My friend said it was really scary and really good."

"Okay sounds good." He says with a smile.

For the next two hours I hold Justins hand and snuggle up close to him . He has some nice biceps and smells delicious. Also his hands are amazingly soft and not to warm but not to cold. As the movie is getting close to the end mybe 30 minutes away he puts his arm around me and pulls me in a little closer. At the very end of the movie I turn to look at him and at the same time he turns and looks at me and we both smile and he leans his head forward some and i do the same and we kiss! It was the gentlest and most romantic kiss ever.On the way out of the movies we hold hands.

"You wanna go on a little walk to get some food?" Justin asks.

"Yeah, sounds good."

We walk a couple blocks and talk about the movie. We wind up at this little Italian resturant on the corner 73rd and Washington avenue. It is so cute. When we go inside there is a little fountain from a place in Italy (at least that is what they told us) and some cute booths and some tables. We get a both so we can be alone. We sit on opposite  sides of the table. He looks up over the, menu they gave us, and smiles. When I see that I smile and laugh.

The waitress comes back and says, "Did you decide what you want?"

"Yes." We say at the same time.

"Alright, what can I get you two?" she says with a smile.

"Um... can I get a chef salad with the dressing on the side, please." I say.

"Okay, I can." the waitress replies.

"Can I get a cheese burger and a lot of fries." He says with a smile.

"Okay." she says.

"Thank you." We both say.

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We talk for about 25 minutes till the food arrives. When the food get here i smell his food and my stomach growls. Then i look at my food and look back at his and wish we could trade our meals. I start to eat my food and i look up and see him looking at me and i started blushing.

"What?" i say smiling with a little bit of food in my mouth.

"Nothing," He says with a smirk on his face." You just dont look like a type of girl who needs to eat salads."

"Well, i do and dont," I say a little embarressed because im explaining what i eat."I felt like a salad and now i dont really want it."

" Well then what do you want to eat?"

"I want some of your fench fries. Thats really all."

"I knew you would want some, thats why I got the biggest size." He says with a smirk on his face.

"Oh... Okay."

"So do you want some or not?" he asks.

"Yes I do want some!" I say laughing.

"Okay, hold on one second..." he says before calling over the waitress. "Can i get an extra plate please."

"Yeah sure." she says.

I laugh a little bit and started smiling even more.

The waitress brings back a plate and we say thank you. Then we shre the fries and eat and talk about just about anything on our mind.

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