Supernatural Dreams

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*** I woke up laying the same way I had falling asleep, on Stiles' chest. But there was something different. We were laying in a beautiful green field with little wildflowers every where, the grass was wet with a sweet smelling morning dew. I sat up and looked around, we couldn't be in the BH woods could we? No it was too pretty and alive! The woods was always dead and lifeless. I stood up waking Stiles. "Aira? Whats wrong?" He stood at my side.
I looked down at my hands, what the hell! I had claws! "What the bloody hell?" He jumped up and looked at my hands.
"No, god please no." He pleaded. He was starting to cry as he kept repeating that phrase.
Suddenly I felt a call from above, as I lifted my head I saw a full moon. I felt heat in the back of my eyes and a ripping pain in my stomach. Excruciating pain flooded my body, my mind, and my soul with rage, anger, and an unstatisfiable blood lust. I was no longer in control of my body or mind. Everything went black...
When I finally retook consciousness, I felt a wet feeling all over my body. Looking down I realized I was bathed in red. "What the hell!" I yelled, beginning to heavily breath.
"Ah my sweet, sweet Aira." A man's voice called. When I looked up, I was almost instantly struck by deadly terror. There in front of me, piled atop one an other covered in blood and guts ripped from inside them. It was everyone I loved, everyone I held dear, and more than that. "My sweet, sweet little Aira. You had no idea, did you?" The man, his voice was incredibly familiar. Soon he walked from behind the pile and there he stood tall, confident, with the look of murder hidden behind his purple glowing eyes.
"D.... D... Dad? What is going on here?" I stood crying.
"What's going on here?" He chuckled. "What's going on here is that you are a blood wolf." A w...what? "You see all of this. You did this! You killed them all. Scott, Lydia, Alison, Sheriff Stalinski, Melissa, Dr. Deaton, Peter, Derek, Melia, Dean, Jackson.... All of them, slain by your most skilled hand. The skills you possess because of me." He laughed and the ground shook, harder and harder until suddenly........*


I sat up fighting for air to return to my lungs. I looked around and felt so much relief. "Oh, it was just a dream...."

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