It Doesn't even matter

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Idk what was Ja so afraid of that he couldnt tell me anything when it came to the trap. For starters he couldnt even tell me that he was in the streets like that. Now that I know that I have feelings for Ja, I can't see myself quitting on him because of what he does.

The next day I go an knock on Ja's door...his mom approaches me at the door with a mop and pine~Sol in her hands, she is obvouisly cleaning.

"Hay how are you?"She askes me politelyy

"I am fine,is JaSean home?"I ask

"As a matter of fact he is in his room,you can go on up sweet heart."

"Thank you."I say as I ease past her.


I knock on the door so loud that the hard wood floor vibrated.

"Come in." Ja says.

Convo:Monica and JaSean......👇👇

I aint gone hold back on this...I say

"What you talkin about?"he askes

why didn't you tell me about the trap,and why do u do what you do?" I ask with fustration in my voice.


I really don't wanna talk about this,because in the end imma get mad,and plus i aint in the best mood since me and showtime pulled a double last night.Although,since it is Monica imma tell her,it is just better that way I guess.

"I didn't tell you because I thought it would change how you felt about me as a person."Ja explains.

"I do it because,when we was livin in Detroit it was rough out there.One day me and my friend was walkin home from school and this group of guys came out on us. We was young so we wasnt strong enough, I was okay I just had bruises,but my friend was injured pretty bad."

"From that day on I vowed to gain justice for him,myself and my family and I just got attached to the trap,I can't stop."he admitts.

"Ja thats pretty harsh,but it's good to know you cared so much that you were scared to tell me, but you still should have told me,"I say.

Anyways it doesn't even matter, I can help you quit the trap,but right now I jsut can't quit on you Ja, Monica says."

Short chapter had to update tho😬

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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