Dance Off (Have I Impressed You Yet?)

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The dance above is what Garret is going to do to try and impress Foxy, lets see how it goes.


I managed to secure the small DJ station from my friend Joseph. There are six songs on it is what he told me: 
Wiggle, I don't know who it's by. That's the one I picked out for myself, I already know the choreography I am planning to do. 
If I Had You -Adam Lambert I set that for foxy, I hope he can do okay with it and DOESN'T kill me for it. 
Timber -Kesha I thought Bonnie might do pretty boss with that one, I hope he doesn't hate me. 
I have no idea what songs I am going to do for the rest, I can always download them from my phone onto the DJ station. I quickly enter, and I am only a minute late. My boss already left. I smile and start setting up in the main room. The guy's and Chica are already in their human forms, though Freddy and Foxy both look shocked. "You guy's actually went through with it?" 

I smile along with Chica and Bonnie. "Of course we did, you didn't say no." I say cheerfully. "Now Freddy, what song do you want?" I question smirking. "Also Foxy, and Bonnie I found some songs I think you might like, Chica I found one for you but I'm not quite sure if you'll like it." 

Foxy pouts a little then sighs. "I'll join in then I suppose, Might be fun." 

I feel a smile course through me, and my eyes light up in excitement. "Great," I say, turning towards Freddy. 

"I'll watch, maybe I'll join in later," he says. 

I shrug. "Okay Fazbear," I reply and continue to set up the station. Chica excitedly asks what I bought and I internally wince. "I...forgot," I mumble in distress. "I might be able to order some Panda Express." I offer. 

"That'll work," Chica replies and I nod. "I"ll finish up with this then do it." I finish setting up as fast as I can, then call for takeout at Panda. I order them all some stuff and then tell them the location, before looking at the rest. "So the plan is dance first, eat, then play some games. I have a couple board games in my car." 

"Who wants to go first?" asks Chica, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement. I smile a little and lean back, looking at the others curiously. 

"How about our night guard goes first?" Foxy says slyly, and I flash a slight grin. 

"Well, I can if no one else wants to start us off." I say, glancing around towards the others. Chica nods excitedly, and smiles. "Yeah, I wanna see what you do." 

I smirk a little and turn on the song, then take my spot, and immediately start my dance, moving my body fluidly with the music, focusing all my attention on what I'm doing. I aim most of my actions at Foxy, just to see if he blushes. 
I keep my actions fluid and when I get to the chorus a second time I drop myself down and grind down then flip back and do it again, grinning as I notice everyone BUT Foxy and Freddy are nosebleeding, covering their faces with a hand while their eyes are wide. 

But my target just, has a poker face but his lip twitches, betraying he wants to smile. "OKay Fox boy." I purr as I finish, panting. "Show us what you can do~" 

Foxy grins in reply, and glances at his friends, while I turn the song I chose for him, and my eyes shine softly in amusement. Bonnie shows excitement at the song and joins Foxy in the dance. "Oh tagteaming me! no fair!" I say, sitting with Freddy watching the pair dance out. 

I can't help myself however, and I stare, watching them dance their dance, while I feel a blush on my face. I realize Foxy is wearing a different outfit from the day before, and I find myself staring at his revealed chest. He and Bonnie are killing it with their fantastic dancing. 

But a little ways in Chica changes the song, claiming her own spot she goes. The song itself is a bit creepy, but I notice she's downloaded a song onto the DJ station. 

I watch and am fairly surprised at how good she is, at scaring the crap out of me. Freddy still hasn't done a dance yet and I notice when Chica stops halfway through she looks right at him. "Your turn Fazbear," she states confidently. "You have ta." she points at me. "Garret did one! you have to too." 

Freddy shakes his head and blinks as there's a knock. "Panda's here," I state, breaking the tension as fast as I can. Rushing over I answer, pay for the food and give the guy a huge tip, before shutting the door and walking back, setting the food down I smile. "Let's eat, then I'll go get the board games from my car," I say calmly. 

The other's agree but Chica looks a little sad Freddy isn't joining in on the game. 

Freddy sighs softly and stands up. "I think we've established who won this," he says calmly and glances at me in amusement. "Garret, I'm saying that you took this," he states. 

I feel my face redden at the way he's looking and speaking to me. Suddenly I hear an annoyed grunt from nearby and I whirl around to see a male who looks like Freddy in every way but he wears a golden dress shirt with a white piece like Freddy's. His hair is a beautiful gold-yellow and his eyes are pure black with gold centers. His pants are black jeans and he has on just black sneakers. 'Freddy must feel so overdressed...' I think to myself, glancing over at Freddy, to see that his clothing has changed as well. It's become a black dress shirt with black slacks and converse. He still has his black top hat, however. 

"FrEdDy, YoU aRe BeInG BiAsEd." the golden dressed guy states, and I feel surprise course through my chest. 'he's being biased?' I glance over at Freddy, but I can't see through his poker face. 

"I am not being biased, he obviously did better than the rest, he actually managed to give two out of four of those I could see nosebleeds," Freddy replies bluntly, eyes flashing in annoyance and boredom. 

 The golden version of Freddy frowns in reply and his head tilts to one side, before he looks at me. "He LoOkS lIkE a ScArEd PuPpY." he mutters at me, and I blink. 

"Whatever Goldie locks." I mutter in reply, then open the chinese and start dishing out everyone helpings. 

As I finish I feel an unseen force grab me by the back of my neck and the next thing I know I'm laying down below a doorway, a bitch of a pain in my head and I can feel something wet and sticky on my stomach. "YoU wIlL rEsPeCt Me." I hear the golden bear say above, slowly I twist myself so I am looking up at him. 

"Aye Golden leave the lad be." I hear Foxy say, approaching from the kitchen hallway. "I be sure 'e didn't mean to upset." 

I give a curious look towards Foxy, I am legitimately surprised that he's actually standing up for me this way. 

"FoXy WhAt Do YoU cArE?" the gold bear, Golden, questions in reply, landing a sharp kick to my chest. 

I gasp, my vision turning red in pain and I hear a distant thumping sound. I feel a hand against the back of my head. It's gentle, and relaxing. I can't help but nestle my face into it, before I fall asleep, relaxing against the form that now holds me, while I drift off into unconscious...

// What a way to end a fun chapter, 

Just an FYI I don't own any of the videos, or the characters (Except Garret, he's mine, I don't own the pic I used for him tho) //

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