Chapter 1: First Day Jitters

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(Y/N) ~ Your Name

(L/N) ~ Last Name

(N/N) ~ Nickname

(Y/U/N) ~ Your Username

(H/C) ~ Hair Colour

(E/C) ~ Eye Colour

(B/N) ~ Brother's Name

(W/T/C) ~ Wolf Ears Tip Colour

Italics ~ Thoughts

I'll add more if needed ~ ❤️

(Y/N's PoV)






"(Y/N)! Wake up! Or you'll be late for your first day of high school! And your alarm is getting rather annoying!! There are pancakes downstairs waiting for you!" A familiar voice screamed from downstairs. It was my mothers. Sighing, I got out from under the warm (F/C) blanket and yawned with a stretch.

"Nnnrrr" I yawned again and waited for my eyes to adjust as I grabbed my phone. Huh, 7:15am. Jeez, I've only had 4 hours of sleep. Ah well, I'll just sleep through any unwanted classes. I put my phone down on my desk and looked over to my laptop, it was still on. I quickly ran my finger across the mouse pad and it showed up to Skype. I forgot to turn it off, oh shoot. I quickly scanned through Skype and realised I had a message from my best friend, FC.

Morning (Y/U/N), I hope you have a great first day at your high school

I smiled and closed my laptop down before walking over to my wardrobe to grab my school uniform. Ugh, a skirt. I hate skirts. Although I do look pretty cute in this. I giggled as I quickly put my hair up in a messy ponytail. The classic anime school girl look.

I headed off downstairs in search of the wild pancakes that my mother had made. I have a very good imagination, so I like to see things as fantasy and stuff. No idea why, guess it's been a habit.

I finally found the pancakes and began to eat them. I was happily munching away until I saw a messy (H/C) boy walk down the stairs and look at me with a smirk. It was my older brother, (B/N).

"Hey lil sis, ready for high school?" He said with a chuckle. I just rolled my eyes at him and continued munching, I love breakfast and I was going to let that lil rat disturb my peace from eating these wonderful pancakes.

"Well I'll give you some advice." He said in a serious tone. I looked at him as my ears went back. I was a little scared. "So, do not mess with the Shadow Knights. Their bad news. Since you're a werewolf, you'll be put into a werewolf class, so people might see you as an advantage to pick on, since your new and your..." He looked at my tail then back at me. I put my head down and whimpered slightly.

"B-but don't worry sis, I'll come and help if people pick on you! Promise!" He looked at me with reassuring eyes. I looked at him and smiled, my ears springing back up to there normal position.

"Alrighty you two, time to head off to school! (B/N), will you be willing to drive (Y/N) to school?" My mother said as she looked at my brother with a warm smile. He smirked before nodding his head. "Great! Have a great first day, kids!" Mother smiled before kissing us both goodbye.

I have to admit, I am scared, and it seemed to have shown as my brother picked up on this.

"First day jitters, huh?" He said as he unlocked his car. I silently nodded and got into the passenger side while he got into the driver's side. I trusted my brother, hence why we have such a good relationship... At times.

"Don't be nervous sis! You'll be fine, you know where to find me right?" He said as he started the car.

I nodded. "Either in room 203, the lunch room or the fountain outside the school. You've already told me this. Multiple times." I said as I scrolled through my social media.

He chuckled and said a happy 'okay' before setting off to school.

'First day jitters huh?' is that what you can call it "jitters" or just plain scared cause you was home schooled for a year and you've been bullied most of your school life cause of your tail?  Yeah, I think the second reason.

As we pulled up into a car parking space, we both got out and (B/N) ran off to his friends. I took a deep breath before heading up the stairs to the new school. My ears wanted to go back but I kept them straight. With my (H/C) and (W/T/C) tail swaying from side to side, I stood to take a look at the huge building in front of me. Phoenix Drop High. Looks bigger than I imagined. I heard my phone make a ping sound so I pulled it out to reveal a text from my brother.

You'll have to walk home sis, I'm going to my friends house tonight, sorry.

I sighed and sent an 'ok' reply back. I continued to stare at my phone until a felt someone walk into me from behind and caught my tail.

"Ow! Hey! Watch it!" I said in frustration. I turned to see a boy with steel black hair and coal eyes with bandages and scratches on his face. He looked pretty beat up.

He looked at me and grunted before walking away into the building that I was standing in front of. What a jerk, not even an apology? Wow. Rude.

I sighed and headed inside the building a little bit after him still staring at me phone. After a while if walking I tripped and fell onto someone. It was a boy who had a Barbie like look. His sand golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes, made it hard for me not to look away. I felt my face heat up a bit before I blinked at the gorgeous blonde in front of me.

"Are you okay?" The boy said. I nodded and got off him, still staring. "Can you speak?" I stood staring at him for a few more minutes until he snapped his fingers in front in my eyes, causing me to snap out if my strange staring.

"Oh! Pardon me! I wasn't watching where I was going, I'm sorry" I said looking down a little.

"It's quite alright, though I do suggest you don't walk through the corridors on your phone next time, it could lead to events like this happening" He said with a smile. "Oh, my name's Garroth by the way. Garroth Ro'Meave" He said. Garroth put his hand out to me, indicating that he wants to shake my hand to greet me, I think.

My hand reached up for his and we shook hands. "My name's (Y/N)... (Y/N) (L/N)" I said slightly blushing again.

"That's a cute name for such a cute girl" He said as he winked at me, my face felt like it was glowing red. "It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)"

I chuckled softly "like wise"

"Well I better head of to class now, see you around (Y/N)" Garroth said before walking in the opposite direction of me. I raised an eyebrow trying to figure out what just happened in the space of 30 minutes. I've stumbled into two people. One was nice the other not so nice. Boy I hope I don't run into them two again. Phew.

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