Welcome to Squad 14

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Warning: Dark scenes ahead as always. Violence, etc.

A wolf-masked ANBU stood in front of the Hokage's desk, tense and at attention. The blonde Senju stifled through a few papers, before stamping a few of them.

Tsunade was quite shocked, eight months ago, when her young apprentice, or rather, her equal, had come to her, asking for admittance to the ANBU Black Ops. She could still remember that moment like it was yesterday.

"You...want to join the ANBU?" The Hokage asked incredulously, a firm golden brow raised. A head of pink hair shook up and down, determination evident on Sakura's pale face.

"I do. My medic-nin duties...while rewarding, I think would be of better use in the Black Ops."

Tsunade frowned. Here was Sakura; a woman she had come to know as a daughter of sorts, a woman who she cared for more than she could ever realize. One answer came to mind.



"I won't allow it. Sakura, you now know what it's like in Oto. If you join ANBU, you'll be put on a squad there, and will most likely die. You barely got away with your life this time; it won't be any different later on."

"Shishou, please. All I ask for is a chance. The ANBU...it's what I want-no, it's what I need." She implored, begging her mentor to see her side.

"Sakura...I can't put you through that. Not willingly. Your medical skills rival and even surpass my own. You're needed at the hospital; not off in a hellish nation with hundreds of thousands of men who would happily destroy you in ways I can't even describe." The Senju said darkly. She had already put a limit on the amount of female ANBU allowed in squads that were sent to Oto; many complaints about favoritism and sexism were filed, but Tsunade didn't give a damn.

She had kept most of the reports of friendly casualties under wraps. Kiri and Iwa had immediately ceased operations when many of their teams were captured and killed, the female members being the only ones who had survived. 'If you could call it that...' She thought darkly.

"You're not being fair! If we are to have any chances at successfully winning this, they'll need my medical prowess there! I can take care of myself." She huffed, crossing her arms. She was adamant about this decision. She needed to help her comrades there; it was like a force was pushing her to this decision, and she couldn't back down.

"See? You're not fit for this. You're being immature; you're too hot-tempered and emotional to be one of the ANBU.

Her apprentice's gaze saddened. A look Tsunade had become accustomed to lately. Sakura had often come to her, seeking advice and guidance, the majority of it having to do with the pinkette's wayward teammate.

"Shishou...please. You...know how I feel about my work. I need to do this; I need to atone for everything that I've done, and I need to redeem myself. I need to be able to even say I'm worthy of being his friend."

The Hokage's stern, emotional shell had cracked at the serious, wistful expression of Sakura. She stood up, and walked over to the girl.

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