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You want to wake up late during weekend but because of the newcomers yesterday, you can't. So, you woke up and do morning routine before walking out from your room, where you saw all your brothers watching morning cartoon. The first brother who noticed you is Kise who saw your (H/c) hair in the corner of his yellow orbs.

"Nii-cchi! Ohayou!" Kise greeted you and quickly get off from the couch where everyone's attention turning toward you and Kise who running toward you.

"Ohayou Kise-kun. You guys up early. What for?" You asked, ruffling the blond hair. "We're going to court, playing basketball. Want come with us? We can teach you a little bit of basketball things."Aomine ask with grin making you smile and glance at the others. "Do you already have your breakfast yet?" You asked and much to your surprise, they shook their head.

"We are waiting for you, Nii-san." Midorima said, pushing his glasses and you smile. "I see. Where's Okaa-san?" "She said she had to go work early so she told us that you will make the breakfast for us." You nodded understanding and walking to kitchen to make the breakfast for your brother.

For once, you glad that you woke up early.




"Yay Basketball, here I come!"

"Aominecchi, wait for me!"

"You two, be careful!"

You letting out sigh as the others quickly followed the hyper duo to the court and the smile appeared on your face. You continue watching the kids playing who seems look happy playing together which making your smiled widen.

"Oya Oya, is that you, (Name)?" You snapped out from your thought and quickly glanced to your right, to see your best friend with unknown girl who hiding behind your best friend shyly. "Oh hey! Never thought you wake up early. Who's that?" You casually asked at the girl who quickly hidden behind your best friend and your best friend grin.

"Oh her? This is Sakamoto Haruka, my girlfriend. Haru-chan, this is my best friend, (Last) (Name)." Your best friend introduced her girlfriend who staring at her in shock while you just grin.

"Well, it's nice to meet you then, Sakamoto-san."

"O-Oh, n-nice to meet y-you too...(Your Best Friend's Name)-chan, why you c-casually said t-that I-I'm your girlfriend..?" You heard your best friend's girlfriend asked softly, feeling uncomfortably about how your best friend telling you about her.

"Well, he actually he had-"

"(Nickname)~" You jolted once you heard that so familiar voice making your best friend chuckled while her girlfriend look at her in confused manner.

"He had boyfriend actually."

Your best friend and her girlfriend watched you who get smooched all over your face making you extremely flushed. "K-Kou~ Stop it~" You whined, want to get out from your boyfriend's clutch so you can calm your heartbeat down. "Awww~ Don't be like that~" Your boyfriend whined back, rubbing his cheeks against yours making you felt that the blush on your cheeks become more reddened.

"And mind who is she then? The one who is standing right behind my cousin?" Your boyfriend asked, nuzzled his face on your red cheeks while your best friend snickered amused as her girlfriend sweat dropped at your misfortune.

"Oh Kou! This is my girlfriend Sakamoto Haruka. Haru-chan, this is my best friend's boyfriend and my cousin."

"It's nice to meet you, Sakamoto-san!"

"N-N-Nice to m-meet y-you too..."

Haruka can't help but sweat dropped more when she saw the expression on your face where you almost to pass out with red blush on your face, along with tear that almost drop.

'Is he going to be alright...??'


"Boys, it's time to go!"

You shout to your brothers who groaned except for Midorima, Akashi and Kuroko who just silently groaned while Murasakibara just walking toward you. That's where he noticed your boyfriend. "Nii-chin, who's that?" Murasakibara asked, tugging your shirt as he staring at your boyfriend who smiling at him.

Which the boys' attention turns around toward your boyfriend once Murasakibara asked the question. "Oh him? I want to tell them, Kou?"

You tried to make a word, trying to explain your brothers who still staring at your boyfriend. "Oh, I'm your brother's boyfriend." Your boyfriend said casually with smile making you tensed up, tried to stop your boyfriend but your boyfriend hold you tight, don't want to release you who starting to struggle while your brothers tried to progress what your boyfriend just said.



Aomine and Kise spoke up as your brothers stared at you who had deep red blush, trembling while struggling from your boyfriend's grip. "Kou, let go!" You hissed and you squealed when he pressed your side.

"I see..." Akashi muttered and you blushed more once you saw all the stares that you got from your brothers. "Well, if he is your boyfriend then, I guess it fine." Kuroko said and you looked at him. "A-Are you okay with it..? Me being fall in love with same gender?" You asked, remember how you being bullied during your middle school and it all changed once you reach your high school.

"Meh, I guess I'm fine with it." Aomine said, picking his nose before throw it to Kise who letting out scream. "I'm fine with you love the same gender, nanodayo. Just, I hope that your boyfriend will treat you right. N-N-Not like I care, nanodayo."

Hehehe Tsun-Tsun .


I tried..... (;-;)


Kuroko no Basket © Tadatoshi Fujimaki

Haikyuu © Haruichi Furudate

Reader © You

Plot © Me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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